NOTE: The below is an archive of an email sent out before our free year-end training series called “Get in Gear for the New Year.”

Hey, hey, HEY! I’m so excited that we’ll start jamming daily on December 21st (that’s just three weeks away), as we blast through this exciting year-end training series in which access to the Self-Management for Actors principles will be delivered right to your inbox, daily, for the last 11 days of 2018!

I’m STOKED to spend this time with you! Helping you launch 2019 with your tools and mindset in great shape is something about which I am passionate, and it’s never been easier to get in gear, thanks to this revolutionary FREE training series!

If you’ve joined us before, you know how energizing and empowering this experience can be.

If you’re new to Get in Gear, get ready for an intensely fun and focused run of days in which you’ll be able to really turbocharge your acting tools so there’s no excuse for feeling ready to take 2019 — and your next-tier goals — by storm!

The best way to prep yourself today is to make sure our emails are whitelisted in your inbox (you won’t want to miss a thing; seriously, do all those steps even if you’re sure you know how to fish a message out of your promo or junk space because sometimes they’re held ABOVE, at the server level, and these steps will help with that), create a folder on your computer (or create a dedicated old-school notebook if that’s your jam) for your daily bursts of inspiration and action items (C’mon, get crafty!), make a list of your *specific* goals for the new year (focus on how you wanna FEEL about your career), and get your fellow ninjas excited to support you and to join in on this free training!

Start by sharing images like this one and this one to get your actor friends to join in with us! Tweet about the fun we’re gonna have! Use the #SMFAninjas hashtag out there to connect with one another as we all #GetInGear all over the world!

See, because that community support is one of the major keys to success in this phenomenal series (and in your creative pursuits, of course)!

Stay Focused

So, I want you to tweet this RIGHT NOW: Check me out as I #GetInGear for the New Year with @BonnieGillespie and the #SMFAninjas! 2019 is gonna rock! (just click it and it’ll tweet right out; I’ve left you room to add your own WOO HOO message as well). Because being connected with your fellow ninjas *will* make a huge difference as you experience this up-leveling.

Your social media is a great space to try out your logline, the statement of your brand umbrella, a summary of your WHY as an artist and storyteller! #Brandprov is *on* during this year-end free challenge and we wanna see whatchoo got! Are you inspiring and totally on-brand already? Share your goodies with us! Comments are open below if you prefer to share in a blog space. 🙂

I want to see y’all supporting one another not just during those last 11 days of the year, but leading up ’til then and long after 2019 begins, of course.

Oh, I mentioned above that I want you to make a list of your goals. Lemme get specific. There are things you don’t control and things you do.

You don’t control: “I’m gonna book a national,” or “I’m gonna sign with my dream agent,” or “I’m gonna land a role in a studio feature film.”

You DO control: “I’m gonna get in front of someone who casts national commercials and book the room,” and “I’m gonna get my materials in front of an agent that my targeting homework showed might be a good fit,” and “I’m gonna get out there to events that allow me to connect with buyers who cast at the studio level.”

See the difference? Get really clear in your goal-setting for 2019. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making *all* of your goals ones that are not in your hands to move forward. The miraculous thing is, by focusing on what you DO control, those things you don’t control start lining up in ways they never could when you were focused on them by mistake.

It’s magical.

Next up… I have a little gift for you. Well… it’s *actually* the Welcome Kit for our 100-day challenge program Get in Gear for the Next Tier (more info on that inspired badassery here). But because I’ve gotten feedback that it’s filled with SO much awesomeosity about how to create lasting change, I’m sharing it with you now, even if you’re not joining us for a deep-dive of the Self-Management for Actors curriculum in 2019. Click here to access your PDF and please flip to pages 7, 8, and 9 for your tips to starting strong.

Even if you’re not jamming with us, these tips *will* serve you well!

Finally, I’ve been asked about how best to prep for this year-end bit of badassery for those of you who are traveling at year-end. Take with you: your copy of the 4th edition (fourth printing) of Self-Management for Actors (you may wanna reference some concepts I mention), a notebook if you’re a hard-copy note-taker, your show bible if it doesn’t already travel with you on your gadget or laptop at all times, your login info for all the actor sites you visit daily (because you’ll be upping the game at your online profiles with this program), your login info for the FREE SMFA Hot Sheets of course, and your willingness to help create a better Hollywood (wherever you live) by your enthusiasm for “yes, and…”-ing one another’s successes (which we can constantly celebrate in our SMFA ninjas Facebook group and at Instagram and Twitter with the #SMFANinjas hashtag, of course).

I am so freakin’ thrilled to help you elevate your game while everyone else is relaxing, taking a break, and waiting ’til January 1st to get going on some tired list of unattainable resolutions! Not you, ninja! You’ll have so much momentum flowing *before* the ball drops to end 2018 that you’ll be poised to leap to the next tier, wherever you live.

Hooray! Thrilled to be on this journey with you! (And ridiculously, over-the-moon, super-duper excited to jam in-depth with those of you who’ve enrolled in our life-changing 100-day challenge program, Get in Gear for the Next Tier! Haven’t enrolled yet but want in on the goodies you’ve heard all about? There’s still time!)

If you have any questions, fire away. I love hearing from you as you navigate your way through the creative career of your dreams!

All right, beautiful, ’til the next BonBlast, hold tight and keep telling your friends to join in this FREE training series. The more the merrier!

No more excuses! We can get you up-leveled in JUST 11 days, but you’ve gotta commit to it! Get ready for a great start to 2019, with your tools and mindset in ninja shape, starting with your first email arriving December 21st! 🙂 Not yet signed up? Holy cats, what are you waiting for? Fix that RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

Dayum… are you as excited as I am? I wanna start NOW! Ah, patience, patience… there’s still more creating to do!

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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