It would seem that, when I’m inadvertently “glutened,” I get lockjaw.
I’ve been generally very good about eating foods that are only on the “good” list of gluten-free foods, but there are a couple of things that seem to creep into preparations of other foods that I’m simply not going to be able to tolerate.
Namely, “natural flavoring” (which we already knew to watch out for) and “xanthum gum” (which is one of those things that bothers some people but not others). Most likely, the “natural flavoring” is 90%-100% to blame, but I’ve seen “xanthum gum” in the past two things that have made me sick so I’m watching it just the same.
I can’t open my mouth.
This, of course, helps me not yell while doing taxes. 😐
Legend has it, you become more sensitive to stuff once you’ve cut out gluten. Like what you’re sensitive to becomes much more obvious the “cleaner” your diet. Does that sound right?
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I think that makes sense.I think I crave carbs more now that I’ve started putting them back into my diet (read: stopped doing Atkins). It’s horrible what I crave now. I don’t remember having such a sweet tooth.My doctor was concerned by the weight gain. Fingers crossed I can get out of this travel gig and get a regular desk job again so I can start working out and stop eating in restaurants. I really want to get back to the low-carb diet again since it seemed to be working for me the last time.Have you noticed the gluten-free diet making a huge difference for you? Do you have the energy gain and all that? I don’t know much about what affects gluten has on a body, so I’m curious.
I know that for the first six months after “leaving Atkins,” I craved (and ate) carbs like NEVER before. I would go through a loaf of bread in a week (and that’s a lot of bread for me) having cheese toast, toast with jelly, turkey sandwiches, etc. It was insane! I never ate bread like that before.
My doc pulled me off Atkins in Feb. 2004 due to my heart. 🙁 Of course, I gained all 37 lbs. back AND THEN SOME. Standard, I’m sure. Grr.
Good luck going back to low-carb. Wish I could. It really worked for me (weight-wise, but not for my ticker). I have heard that most people struggle with it, the second time (the weight doesn’t come off as easily as it did the first time).
For me, the gluten-free diet is ALL about migraine prevention. I really don’t expect to lose weight eating gluten-free. What I expect is to no longer have debilitating migraines 10 times a year (which was my 2004 count).
Gluten-free isn’t actually low-carb. I have plenty of corn-based starches, potatoes, veggies, fruits, and rice-based starches, so it’s not like Atkins at all, even though I’ve cut out flour and wheat (which is in a ton of stuff).
Do a search of the BonBlogs for “gluten” and you’ll find a ton of good links you may enjoy perusing. Some of the Celiac forums include tales of folks who HAVE lost like 60 lbs. coming off gluten (b/c gluten was such a big poison to their system that their bodies were doing all sorts of weird things), but for me… I’m just hoping to be HEALTHY.
And THAT should make me want to be FIT, since it’s not such a freakin’ burden to live when you’re pain-free! 😀