Had a really cool dream

Had a really cool dream where my online pregnant friend called in the middle of the night, talked to me about what being knocked up felt like, and then, was in my bed with me, chatting away about how her boobs felt, what her hubby was doing to help out, and when she was expecting (which, of course, made no sense, considering she’s preggers now and, in the dream, was due Oct. 24, 2003). Anyway, it was a cool dream and now I’m awake and thinking about her and how it’s going. Gonna do the Blog I was gonna do last night (but the weird Blog server thingy was down for my Blog, but not for all Blogs to which I post… weirdness) and then I’m going to email her and see how she’s doing today.
Blog and Response
BrYan: I didn’t know that “Yoda” was the “Lola” parody by Weird Al. I feel shame. Thanks for the shout-out to my cool new background. I don’t know if you’re going crazy, but isn’t it nice to know–if you are–that my Blog background is not a symptom of that?
Chip: Sorry the color is freaking you out. Maybe because you’re sick? I’ve been sick for two weeks now. Sucks. But… I did finally get some sleep. For the first time since June, I’ve slept for more than two hours at a time several times over the last few days. I am very happy about that. I am also in a lot of pain. Damn, I miss medication sometimes. Hey, Chip, what’s “Clocked” and what does one eat there?
Re: Instant Film Fests, here’s the link to the 48 Hour Film Fest, which was recently in LA. Also, here’s an article about it from the LA Times, and a link to another of the Instant Fest variety. I am totally in support of you doing such a thing. Let me know if I can help!
Courtney: I did the Buffy character thing too, even though I’ve never watched the show. Could someone who watches tell me if being this guy makes me cool or makes me really annoying or anything of note?
Which Buffy Character Do You Identify With Most?

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I love the photos from your trip! Looks like you had a great time. I went to the Jellyfish exhibit in Long Beach last summer and was just mesmerized by the little guys. Stared at them for hours and hours. I want some as pets. They’re just really hypnotic.
I’m sorry the background flashes for you. What browser are you using? Is it only on the archive page that includes Keith’s son’s photo (yes, he is precious)? Did you try changing the preferences in the right-side window? I know you can change font size and stuff. Let me know if this stays a problem… and if anyone else is experiencing such things, please let me know. I’ll email you, Courtney. 😉
David: I love your new format, and that I know what “M&P” means. I feel so “insider.” You mentioned East-West Bistro and I am so hungry for that. Man… love that place.
Jocelyn: I LOVE your retelling of the night out in Athens. Makes me homesick for experiences I’ve never had, but ones that are darn-near like ones I’ve had. I’d bet Athens is like that for a lot of people, though. I don’t think my mom ever refused to make my lunch. I had a pretty easy lunch order: carrot sticks, celery sticks, rice cakes with peanut butter, a box of raisins, and money for juice. Man, no wonder I was so hot and skinny when I was a kid. Maybe I need to revisit that menu.
As I’m typing this, I’m realizing that my headaches get worse every time I eat. I’m thinking I must have some pretty big food allergies that I’m not dealing with. It so sucks to not be able to afford to be checked out in a way that would answer questions and fix me up at least a bit. Augh. I’m very frustrated with my lack of health. I’m 32, not 82. Heck, even my neighbor, the yogi, is healthier than I am… and he’s 80. Gotta come up with something.
Stephanie W.: How was David Sedaris? I’ve been meaning to read his stuff. Have some of it on my ever-growing Amazon wish-list… just greatness. Did you have a good time?
Oh, do you know what’s really WRONG? That’d be naming a show “The Sunday Night Sex Show” and having it be some lady older and uglier than Dr. Ruth talking to other women as manly as Bea Arthur about sex. Skimmed past it on the Oxygen Channel. Be advised: try and miss it.
Okay, I guess that’s the sum of my brain this early morning. Onward! I’m hoping for health and less pain. Wish me luck!

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