So, y’know I love to brag about the amazing casts I bring together for such GREAT films, right? Well… this one is different. Last night, I attended the World Premiere of Queen of Cactus Cove with the cast, crew, and our families.

And I cried.

Yes, I always cry when I see a film I’ve cast (and that’s been four that have actually had public screenings thus far — another four not yet filmed, the other nine still in post), but this film was BEAUTIFUL. I am in awe of the cinematography, the brilliant direction, perfect writing, and natural acting. Hell, to single elements out is unfair to the whole film — which is PERFECT. I was so giddy after the screening. I hugged the actors who turned out for the screening and gushed about how they made me look brilliant for casting them. Man… this is EXACTLY why I do this job.

And today I spoke with a friend/filmmaker/writer/actor who told me he is paying his casting director $10K to cast his film. Yeah. Y’know what… I’m going to start getting paid better in 2006. Starting up with HILMMAKS is a good launchpad. Man, the feedback on this script is amazing. I’m so happy to be casting it.

In other news, MCJ was here for a visit and it rocked. We had friends over for fun, drinks, games, and loads of gossip. And some emotions… Yeah. Did you know that when I drink I’m emotional? Oh, wait… did you know that when I breathe I’m emotional? Damn Cancer-the-crab stuff. Oh well, in the company of good friends, it’s all okay.

Okay, so I wasn’t able to make the final casting offers as scheduled for Still of the Night, so I’ll do those tomorrow (I hope). The book is at the printer, and that’s a big sigh of relief. Keith is averaging about six national commercial auditions (and one callback) per week lately. It’s just a matter of time. Rock on!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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1 Comment

  1. Jameson Martel July 22, 2020 at 8:46 am

    I really appreciate your writing Bonnie! Thank you so much!


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