Yeah, yeah, yeah, I talk a lot about the importance of staying positive. I’m not going to apologize for that. I mean, what’s the alternative? Calling myself a “realist” but really using that label as an excuse to carp about things that annoy me? Nah. Not my style.

Here’s what I know about this business we’re in: People love to jam with those who are fun to be around. Yes, you have to be talented. Yes, you have to be the right type with the right relationships to get access to the right role at the right time. Yes, you have to be persistent, patient, and professional. But I think you also have to be happy.

Not just in your career pursuits, but in life. Because happy people are generally pleasant to be around, and at the end of the day, we’re populating sets with actors who won’t make the rest of the crew miserable for having to deal with ’em.

Sure, there should be a certain joy you feel, every time you get to perform. That’s why you’re in this! It should feel great to express the art that you’ve committed to share with the world, every chance you get to do so — whether in a major studio blockbuster or on the stage of your community theatre. But do you also bring joy to the pursuit of acting? Do you find a way to enjoy the business elements of navigating a creative career? Have you gotten down with networking? Found ways to enjoy pitching? Blissed out while creating your own content? Delighted in the act of marketing yourself to your target buyers?

Beyond that, are you living a full life? Do you give back? Mentor? Share your toys with those coming up behind you? Give your time to those who paved a road before you? It’s Thanksgiving week, here in the States. Do you have healthy relationships? Will you spend time surrounded by loved ones — whether they are your relatives or friends or a community you serve — and will you be grateful for what you have rather than focusing on what you want, but haven’t yet attained?

When you sit in quiet reflection, can you honestly say that you are happy? Or is there some career accomplishment that would make happiness attainable? If it’s a certain status that will MAKE YOU happy, I just want to mention that that’s dangerous territory. It’s conditional happiness. And finding a way to be happy — irrespective of conditions — is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Amazingly, it causes more of those conditions to come around, bringing happiness into your life exponentially.

As I try to do every year at this time, here at The Actors Voice, I’d love to ask for y’all to share with me (my email address is below) what it is that makes you happy, keeps you happy, gives you a centeredness that makes a difference when you’re stressed out, feeling powerless, or facing the rejection inherent to a creative pursuit. Lemme hear from you! How do you extend the joy for your every performance into the rest of your life? Share your toys, beautiful people! Let’s celebrate what keeps us all lit up, and let’s close off 2013 feeling empowered to elevate ever higher.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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