Hey, Proofer Patrol

Early request of the proofer patrol for the 2nd editon of Self-Management for Actors:

If you are on my proofer patrol and you have the first edition handy, could you be so awesome as to “bunny up” to do one of the following things?
1. Look up every casting director whose name is in the book (you can use the index for help) and find out whether they are now (or no longer) members of the CSA and/or CCDA?
2. Look up every casting director whose name is in the book (again, you can use the index for help) and find out what their most recent credits are (this is an IMDB job)?
4. Visit the sites in the Online Resources section of the book and determine if those sites still exist and, if they do, if the description is accurate?
Holla, helpas! You get copies of the book and my undying love! Oh, and acks in the acks section, of course! Deadline… October 1st, so there’s plenty o’time.

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  1. Ali September 16, 2005 at 4:24 am

    I just shot you the A’s and B’s from the online resource section. I’ll do a couple of letters each day before I get ready for work. XOXO

  2. Bon September 16, 2005 at 7:02 am

    BLESS YOU, ALI!! YOU ARE A GODDESS!!!!!! Wow! Thank you, seriously! {{{hugs}}}