How Ravi Naidu Is Staying Inspired

Last month, I asked for you gorgeous people to write in as we close off 2013, sharing the ways you stay inspired, grateful, and balanced along your pursuit of a creative career. LOVE these emails. Keep ’em comin’, y’all!

This week, we’re getting some goodness on mindset from Ravi Naidu. I love this one and hope you will too. 🙂 Read on!

Hey Bonnie,

Thanks for the great column on Actors Access!!!

Anytime I’m feeling down, discouraged, frustrated, etc., there’s a little voice inside me that says all of this is a choice. I choose to pursue this challenging profession because it is so supportive to my overall personal growth in life.

The Power To Choose Is Mine (yes, this is on a little card on my bathroom mirror!) and the only time that I find myself feeling “unhappy” is really when I’ve temporarily forgotten that choice is the only thing I truly have control over. When I give that up I have nothing, which feels crappy!

Usually right after I take my power to choose back I also remember just how fortunate I am to have the “problems” and “challenges” in this life that I do. Because I come from India and have traveled the planet a bit, I’ve seen how different people on our spinning ball are living and just the fact that I get to choose to pursue a career in acting is such a blessing because when I wake up everyday I don’t have to wonder how/if I’m going get my next meal. I don’t have to wonder how/if I’m going to get to wherever I need to go.

In other words my problems and challenges are all self-created and not forced upon me by anyone or anything else… and for that I’m extremely grateful. 🙂

All the best!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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