This is Charlsie. 💗

charlsie gillespie 1950s

My mother.

This is Charles.

charles gillespie 1950s

My father. 💕

These gorgeous people started dating in high school… 1949-ish. They married in 1951. They were together until 1977.

My sweet momma died 20 years ago tomorrow. December 28, 2000.

🔮 I’ve felt such a special bond with her while building Chart Harmony in big ways.

I’ll hear other astrologers say things I remember her saying and it’ll feel just like when I hear a phrase from Abraham-Hicks that is *exactly* what momma would’ve said.

✨ She’s all around me always of course, and I treasure our bond. It feels more strong today than ever before… or maybe just as strong as when she was unexpectedly pregnant with me, praying every day, Lord, please let me love this child,” while dressing in pink to will me into being a girl. 💖

She loved telling the story of the moment they placed me on her chest and she felt what she would later learn was her heart chakra opening. 🦋

When clients would mention to her that I was a natural with our New Age conversations, Charlsie would reply that I was the one who brought it all in for her to learn. 💫

I certainly kickstarted a whole new life for both of these people. I refer to this, in therapy, as the arrival of inconvenient me.

🧘🏽‍♀️ I am working on forgiving my family for repeatedly telling the story of how I broke it.

I am healing. This is the work.

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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