Internet Shopping

I love shopping online.
In four business days, I shall have some goodies at my door. That’s fun.
I swear, I love the hassle-free buy-online life. God bless you, little Internet.

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  1. hannah May 13, 2005 at 5:49 am

    Me too! I’ve been soooo good lately though, not buying much. This week I had to buy a treat though over at Crate & Barrel (their site is pretty much my personal form of crack). Cutest plates ever.
    And a couple follow-ups…I haven’t seen many of the Sex & the City’s on TBS, but from the little I’ve seen, they still were good. I think it helps that they often shot extra footage because they knew that they eventually wanted to shift over to syndication. And as for televised high-speed chases…I just find it weird in general. I tend towards a “let the police do their jobs” attitude. That’s all.

  2. sm00bs May 13, 2005 at 2:12 pm

    I love shopping online as well. Lately, my site of choice has been eBay. We won’t talk about how much I’ve spent on yarn and various knitting supplies. I can’t tell if I’m addicted more to yarn or eBay. I really need to start selling things on eBay to make up for this habit!