All right, 2021! Let’s DO this!

(Want a calendar a week before these blog posts go up? The Aligned Hustle Calendar is packed with all the moon phases, numerology of each day, big astro, and it comes with 4 MP3s on how to use all the info on that month-at-a-glance planner!)

First off, we shift from a 4 year (2020) into a 5 year (2021). Hooray! That’s an emphasis on fun and rebellion and playfulness and spiritedness and childlike glee. YAY! We are still in Capricorn season, though, so that’s a bit of a strong-willed work-focused hangover and stoic seriousness for the first three weeks of the year. January 2021 is a 6 month, so that’s domestic focus, repair and getting our house in order (sometimes literally).

Uranus (still retrograde) just moved into Taurus yesterday, so that’s a time of big banking and money issues having some disruption and innovation. Let’s assume positive, of course (as innovative disruption is often VERY welcome and abundant as a result). I won’t be plotting out much big astro here (please join in the Aligned Advantage membership for the deeper dive on this stuff), but Uranus is really setting the tone for much of what will happen in 2021, so it’s worth noting.

Okay, so we are in a Leo moon to start, and the best of that pride-vibe will be on Saturday the 2nd in the 8 numerology. When we shift into Virgo moon that day, get ready to conquer your to-do list like a champ. The focus on the 3rd will be more of a declutter vibe. Use it! Get anything that still holds 2020’s heaviness OUT so the lightness of 2021 will permeate (you’ll need that shift, to weather the revolution ahead).

The big void moon on the 4th means it’s a less potent 1 day than usual, so relax as the Libra moon guides us toward relationship issues on the 5th, with a more receptive focus. The first really good GSD (get shit done) day of the year is the 6th. With Mars moving into Taurus this day, there’s lots of motivational mojo and, soon, a bit of heightened — like war-style energy — disruption as Mars turbocharges what Uranus is already up to in Taurus. Because we’re in the last-quarter moon here, amp up the self-care please.

The 7th is a great day for research and digging deep on things. On the 8th, Venus moves into Capricorn (more acts of service, more pragmatism and value) and Mercury moves into Aquarius (more chatty communication, more active and idealistic thinking). Mercury’s move creates a Mars-Mercury square, which we usually get only once a year. Welp, we got three of ’em in 2020 and we get three more in 2021. What to expect? Impulsivity, reactive expression, speaking out in uncharacteristic ways, and feeling very raw. Oh, goodie.

Despite all that, try to have fun early on the 8th and get as much done as you can before the mega-void moon the 10th into the 11th. That is gonna be a full 19 hours of less-impactful results to anything you take on. When the moon moves into Capricorn on the 11th, use that powerful 8 energy to make some big impact with your work. On the 12th, again with the 9 energy, declutter. Close off open tickets. Of course, the 12th is also our new moon in Capricorn, which means we set intentions for the six months ahead, especially around working hard, your career, and security.

When Mars squares Saturn here on the 13th, woof. These are the two meanest planets we’ve got and a square is the hardest angle. Lots of pressure. Lots of energy coming together in a tension-filled way. And probably some internal vs. external battles of priority. A push-pull of energies. Hold onto your soul, y’all. Stay grounded and grateful for what’s working smoothly as we have this shift on our 1 day under Aquarius moon. Start things that require talking stuff out and being innovative.

On the 14th, Uranus goes direct, shifting that Taurus-Uranus energy more broadly. It’s about to get… interesting, so look for how this direction change makes you feel around revolution and innovation (specifically around things that make you feel safe financially, well cared for, even luxurious). Don’t be surprised to be surprised. On this Air sign moon 2 day, talk through things that have you feeling vulnerable. Enjoy that you’re feeling a little detached about your fears.

Late on the 15th, enjoy the dreaminess of that Pisces moon in the manifestation energy of the 3. You won’t get much stuff done on the 16th even though it’s a 4 day, so just bask, dream, relax, and fantasize about what kind of work you’d LIKE to see in your life some other time. The playfulness of the 17th is a great end to that Pisces moon weekend. Jupiter squares Uranus this day as well, which brings more surprises and some extreme energy shifts (I told you Uranus was gonna be a big player this year).

Very late on the 17th here in Los Angeles (and early on the 18th most everywhere else), we get our GSD Aries moon on a 6 day, which is all about repair and domestic focus. Get your house in order, including your health. On the 19th, you’ll shift your focus to your spiritual setpoint and bring a sense of Aries curiosity to your inner self. We’ll also shift into Aquarius season this day. (Hooray! Optimism! Innovation! Equality!)

I love the 20th (mostly for the Kamala of it all, of course) with our first full day of Aquarius season and the 1st quarter moon in Taurus on an 8 day. POWER!! Long-term financial security focus. Feeling well cared for and ready to put in the work from a place of optimism and tenacity. Charisma just oozing through. In big astro, Mars conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, and these two square *both* Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. Oy. The vibe of all this is revolution + warrior + destabilization of the economy… Jupiter is trying to bring its prosperity vibe here, but unfortunately it just makes everything Saturn and Mars are doing BIGGER. Uranus, of course, says, “It’s revolution time!” No shit.

Declutter again on the 21st. Let old grudges go. Since the Taurus moon is still with us for most of the 22nd, use that 1 energy to get some good stuff started! Great GSD energy ’til the void moon kicks in (but even then, you can organize your financial records and check off lots of things on your list).

In the overnight into the 23rd, we get our Gemini moon which will feel light and chatty on our 2 day the 23rd. So, receptive, a little trepidatious, and hopefully willing to nurture those seeds you planted on the 22nd. The 24th has lovely GSD energy with some yummy manifestation and the ability to amplify that production and communicate clearly about what you’ve got to show to the world. This would be the last day of the month I’d do anything too NEW, with Mercury retrograde coming up at the end of this week.

Midday on the 25th, as we move out of an overnight void Gemini moon into the Cancer moon, that 4 energy doesn’t really get the oomph we like to see it get. Fair enough, because, again, with Mercury slowing down and getting ready to begin its retrograde illusion, it’s best to focus on feeling safe and nurtured anyway. That energy will feel lighter on the 26th thanks to the 5 energy of the day.

The 27th is another repair day, specifically around house and home and your closest relationships, especially early in the day while we’re still under the Cancer moon. Even though we have a glorious Leo full moon on the 28th (release attachments of ego, pride, broken loyalties, or feelings of deserving something you didn’t get), because it’s a 7 day, we’re not likely to strut too much. Too busy focusing on our inner selves that day.

We DO have a window on the 29th to really be seen and shine bright thanks to Leo moon and the 8 numerology (such a glorious combination), so use that (send that email, do that livestream — I’m doing one that day, go nuts with your selfies) before the moon goes void just before 6pm pacific. And remember, nothing NEW… as we’re in the shadow of Mercury retrograde and that’s time for all the RE’s (review, research, return to old projects to reassess their value).

The 30th ushers in our first Mercury retrograde of the year, in the sign of Aquarius, where it will tie up our understanding of what innovations are good ones (be slow to jump on the latest app, y’all), frustrate our ability to realize the utopian communication we know is possible, and snag technology in some pretty intense ways. (You DID back everything up earlier this month, right?!?) It’s a Virgo moon day under a 9 numerology, so use that list-making vibe to itemize what you’ve decluttered or will be selling off or donating or whatever. Let. Shit. Go. this day.

Finally, we close the month off in some good beginning/seed-planting energy because of the 1 numerology and the Virgo moon, but you KNOW I’ve already warned you about the Mercury retrograde of it all, so just be sure you’re not using that 1 energy around NEW-new activities. You’ll bake into them things that you thought you understood well, but that just won’t be the case.

Phew! Have a great January 2021, lovelies. If all of this whetted your appetite and you’d like to go deeper with me on exploring the woo calendar, grab my free training What Your Birthday Says About You and join us for Aligned Advantage to take it to the next level as well as take a look at annual profections for a peek into your yearly themes (using Whole Sign houses) that kick off on your birthday (vs. the start of the year, which is how our numerological themes shift). Woo HOO!

I’m wishing you a spectacular 2021 filled with light and lightness!

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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