2/24/25 EDIT: Check this massively awesomeness!

Click for the Kendrick Super Bowl Curriculum PDF.

(That’s for anyone who loves learning as much as I do.)

(And now… on to the post as written on February 12th!)

I said to Keith before Super Bowl weekend, “I don’t even know a Kendrick Lamar song. Hell, I don’t even know a Drake song. Yet I know there’s this beef.”

So, when I came across Josh Johnson’s amazing vid Drake vs. Kendrick Explained to White People just now, I was so happy. It allowed me to get up to speed about something I’ve been seeing a lot of ENERGY about, out there. Or, at least as up to speed as this 54-year-old white lady whose musical taste is more Bauhaus than Beyoncé can get.

(Meaning, I don’t really DO pop music or mainstream hip hop. I’m not just STUCK in my musical setpoint of Atlanta’s Album-88/MTV’s 120 Minutes; I’m unapologetic about the joy of a playlist with the Pixies, Robyn Hitchcock, REM, Prince, and Bobby McFerrin as its most-played artists.)

And even though I worked *IN* the recording industry in my first, early-’90s residence in Los Angeles (not just all the years of leadership in college radio I clocked at WUOG 90.5FM Athens), my need to stay plugged in about all the musical happenings pretty much ended by my Saturn return.

So, I actually really needed this breakdown:

While watching this vid, I opened a new tab and went on a hunt for Drake’s birth chart. Now, IN GENERAL, I am anti-looking-at-the-chart-of-a-celebrity (because consent is so damn sexy). But the callback Josh Johnson kept making to Drake’s FEELINGS got me curious enough to pull up this (NON WHOLE SIGN HOUSES) chart.

Drake astrology birth chart NOT WHOLE SIGNS

So so so so much WATER in this chart.

Critical degree action in this chart.

NOTE: This birth chart is not in Whole Sign Houses, which would have Drake’s 1H as Leo for that 29º Leo ASC. A 12H Cancer (mental health) with another critical degree situation for Black Moon Lilith (oooooooooh, so powerful) IN the 11H (so very public, for all that shame).

The final eclipse of the Aries-Libra axis happening March 29th 2025… capping off Drake’s nodal return… and that fiery 5H Sagittarius Saturn and Uranus, popping off so much while that Jupiter in Pisces 8H will always bring light (from all the glitter) to the shadows.

There’s more… but WOW, looking at this while listening to Josh Johnson’s explanation of the Drake-Kendrick beef was… so illuminating.

Back to the convo I was having with Keith last week (again, pre-Super Bowl). I said that I’m growing concerned about Drake’s feelings (with my Cancer stellium, of course I am; I’m concerned about EVERYONE’S feelings, always) and about everyone’s safety.

Josh Johnson makes this point toward the end of the above vid, BTW.

The whole thing about the ’90s rap wars is where my heart has been, with all of this. I see folks CELEBRATING Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl performance and Grammy wins — and not for the victories that THOSE THINGS were and are; but instead for the “deadness” of Drake after all that dragging — and my heart hurts for Drake’s sensitive soul.

I remember back to where I was when Tupac was murdered… and I ache for all we lost with that beef. (No, I’m not paralleling Tupac to Drake as a creative soul, nor am I choosing to mention Tupac and not Biggie due to my “side” on the ’90s rap wars; it’s because I absolutely remember where I was when the news came out about Tupac being shot [again] and it still resonates as one of those “I’ll never forget this” moments in life.)

I’m just thinking about how the internet celebrating someone’s pain can go way way way bad in the real world.

No predictions here. I haven’t even done my homework to verify Drake’s birth chart is accurate. I’m just noticing how worried I find myself as others are gleefully celebrating and laughing and enjoying things that can create a lot of hurt in someone.

Not quite sure why we do so much of that whole schadenfreude thing. Well… I mean… I DO know why, from a primal brain/evolutionary survival standpoint. I just don’t enjoy it all that much.

Choose kindness (and feel free to educate me more fully, in the comments below, if you’d like).

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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