I just had to perform a task that has way filled me with confidence for my meeting. I had to make a list.
Rockstar SAGIndie head Paul Bales called me and asked me to come speak to actors at a SAG LifeRaft event Thursday afternoon, since I specialize in casting SAG low budget indies. He asked me to make a list of films I’ve cast under the various agreements. I also listed the fate of some of those films (screen cap, above) in terms of festival screenings and wins.
Man, that feels good.
Gotta go! Heeeeeeee! Suddenly less nervous and more excited. Woo!
List-Making for Nervous Girls
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How’d it go???? enquiring minds wanna know…
Congrats! I will just miss you. Maybe we should dine in-between? Tell Paul I say “hi” & will see him at the nighttime event. He was directing the shoot(see blog) Saturday.
Hey, Big Brother Lipptastic, what’s your timeline? I do have a few hours to kill (since I’m speaking at Strasberg at 7:15pm and won’t come back to the Westside between events) and only have a haircut (finally!!!) planned. Wanna have late lunch or early dinner? Lemmeknow! There’s definitely potential for hooking up.
And should I bring the external drive? 😉
We’ll grab some Lunner, cool. And the rest of the details we can email and I may actually make you use the phone because having conversations on blog comments is just freakin me out.
Okay, well as it now stands, I have a date at 5pm, which you’re more than welcome to be a part of… but I can also hook up with you sooner than that. You know where to email/call. 😉 Sorry to freak you out (but not really). Hee!