Not a lot to say, it would seem from the lack of recent entries, eh?
I’ve been sick, which is a bummer. I guess it’s good it’s not the SICK-sick kind of sick that people get where they have to stay in bed all day and blah blah blah. I’m just the very silly, low-grade kind of sick where my nose is red from all of the blowing of it and my throat is sore from sleeping with my mouth open in order to breathe. Annoying little cold. That’s all. Just bleh. Not fun.
Got lots of family phone calls in yesterday, which was good. It was good to catch up and get some lovin’, southern-accent style. 😉
We’ve actually had the heat on in the living room on for only about two hours a day every day since the 24th. Today… it’s been on alllll day. Brr.
Thursday is happy new sofa day. I’m seriously giddy over it. I can’t wait!
Tomorrow night is the casting director panel at LMU. I’m looking forward to seeing my CD friends and getting to share all sorts of good info with actors. Should be a packed house. Gonna rock.
Oh, man… I get emails every day from the actors who read my weekly column over at Today I got the most YOU JUST DON’T FREEEEEKIN’ GET IT email I’ve ever received. I wrote a whole piece on how proactive and self-reliant actors need to be. I gave examples of things actors could do to take charge of their careers and not wait for agents to get them auditions. Augh. I won’t say what the email said exactly… but it was… well… “help me be self-sufficient.” Jesus! Isn’t that what I’ve done EVERY WEEK and in my books?
Oh, hey… as I’m typing this I just realized what I’m going to do. I’m not going to roll my eyes at this kid and make fun of the situation. I’m going to invite this actor to the LMU panel. Maybe the actor will learn THERE (both in content and from attending the panel itself) what being proactive is about.
I love it when writing helps me figure out something. LOVE it!
Our time with David was great. Loved having him here for four days. And it was such a blast to get to share so much of the holiday weekend with friends. David, Etta, Gabe, Suesie and family, Tracy, Dick, Aleta… just a great long weekend, start-to-finish.
Sniffles excluded, of course.
Okay, back to work. We have callbacks on Saturday. Very excited!!
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