Realizing we haven’t had a Search Party in awhile… (and in honor of “erik patterson is a gay google” showing up in the searches that lead folks to KiK*’s site, it must be time)!
*Didja notice how I shortened your nickname? Does that mean MAP calls you Iki now? Didja also notice I totally fudged the placement of this “resolved asterisk” in order to not leave you hangin’?
Please pretend I’m a fraction of the funny that is CoCo, when she does her searches.
bonnie’s bookstore activation code: Wow! I have NO idea what that means, but I really like it. I WISH I had some secret activation code that would lay out a store full of books ala me. Ooh! Like a secret room in the Batcave or something at Q’s headquarters! What a fantasy! I’m more literary than I thought I was. Mom would be so proud! (I wonder if journalist momass punk is proud, just for good measure.)
invalid sibling link: I’m sure this search has to do with the computer hell that I faced a couple of months ago (jeez–not even), but I like the idea that it has more to do with brothers of unusual relations (Rodents of Unusual Size?) and non-existent connections. No?
“do not eat” poem poetry: Girl, please! If I could “do not eat” more, I’d be back at my fighting weight (whatever that is). Of course, I’ve written many an ode to the size of my ass and my addictive behavior regarding food and drink. I still believe that someday I’ll be one of those freakshow women who gains only 10 pounds when she’s pregnant but then drops like 60 pounds after giving birth. It’s the “knocked up” diet. If it didn’t involve a major change in my daily schedule, I’d so do that diet right now!
bonnie sex free: Sadly, that’s sometimes true. Damn. Is it normal to get laid less in your 30s than you did in your 20s? Oh, wait. “Sex-free” wasn’t hyphenated. So, it actually is a search of “sex… free,” right? Oh. Well. No. Never free. I mean, duh. I am a female. There is always a price. Oh, and it may be of interest that this particular search came from Pakistan. No. Comment.
bonnie young girls 8 to 10: Okay, stop that! NO pedophile pornographers here! NO! (Is anyone else hearing Peter Griffin telling the TV “No! You HAD yours!” while trying to feed Magnum PI through the screen after the Y2K end of days? No? Just me? Hmm.)
copy right 2005 drunk org: Wow. Did you define my year or what? KIDDING! Or AM I?
should Isaac Mizrahi work Oscars red carpet: I think any of us who saw him do it would weigh in with a big fat NO. But, what do we know? Stupid Ryan Seacrest is earning millions of dollars to Botox up his face and make life hell for all other E! folk. Right, Chairman? Oh, I’ve never been so proud to share an ATL radio background with someone. PSYCHE!
Hollywood insider blog: Well… of course. 😉 I sure as hell love that! It falls in line with my secret truth that I’m feeding into search engines everywhere. Ready?
“Is it true that Erik Patterson and Bonnie Gillespie secretly run Hollywood?“
Bring it, searchers.
BTW–NO RUG IS SAFE in the Gillespie-Johnson household. Blame Thwok. But for reals. NO RUG… NO! Photos to follow. Keith is on a rampage.
PS–You now have 11.5 hours to comment. I think. Good luck!
Monday Morning Search Party
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Now testing a comment on the new post after having JUST successfully posted at the old post.
And now throwing an Ed R Comment into the mix just to see if it’s my bad mojo or sumthin’.
Whew. Made it.
I really need to go fix my “Searches” permalinks so peoples kin read ’em if you’re gonna be so nice and keep sending them there.
Which reminds me, I haven’t checked my own stats in awhile. Hmmmm…
Rodents of Unusual Size? Oh my Garsh, G and I were just talking the other night about how approximately 65% of our inside jokes revolve around “The Princess Bride.”
Testing a comment long after the 11.5 hour theory mark.
Nini, don’t you just LOVE “The Princess Bride” so much? I mean, c’mon! It’s freakin’ brilliant!
Bonnie wrote:”should Isaac Mizrahi work Oscars red carpet: I think any of us who saw him do it would weigh in with a big fat NO. But, what do we know? Stupid Ryan Seacrest is earning millions of dollars to Botox up his face and make life hell for all other E! folk. Right, Chairman?”
My reply: Hey, keep me out of this. I haven’t had my employee review yet. I WILL say that Joel McHale has been on a roll with his Ryan Seacrest jabs on The Soup.
Bonnie wrote:”should Isaac Mizrahi work Oscars red carpet: I think any of us who saw him do it would weigh in with a big fat NO. But, what do we know? Stupid Ryan Seacrest is earning millions of dollars to Botox up his face and make life hell for all other E! folk. Right, Chairman?”
My reply: Hey, keep me out of this. I haven’t had my employee review yet. I WILL say that Joel McHale has been on a roll with his Ryan Seacrest jabs on The Soup.
Joel McHale is my own personal Jesus. Seriously, that guy is brilliant.
LOVED his deadpan delivery of the Seacrest salary line after the whole “Who are you wearing” clip from the Oscars. Brilliant.
When do you get YOUR show, Chairman? I’d sooooo watch that!