Hello you beautiful people! It’s almost time for another woo-woo livestream! 🙂 Hooray!

One of the things I totally take for granted, having grown up in a New Age household is how effortlessly I use my *internal* woo calendar to get the edge in how to manage my schedule.

For instance:

Today is Mars’ day. It’s a great day to do Mars-like things. Being assertive, getting things started, feeling confident, advancing projects.

Today is also an 8 day numerologically. That’s the day the butterfly emerges. It’s wonderful for doing anything involving leadership, bravery, and being seen.

Today we’re under an Aquarius moon as well. This is an Air sign that loves to talk and be innovative and do work to advance a utopian collective, especially using technology.

As I write this, I’m on Clubhouse (innovative technology), in a room I’ve not been in before (getting things started), answering actors’ questions with authority and charm (confidence, leadership), being chatty and out in public (being seen), #CreatingTheHollywoodWeWant (utopian collective).

I specifically knew, before I opened up the app, I was showing up with the power of all this alignment behind me.

And you can do that too! Because I’m going to teach you how I do all of this during a livestream in a few hours.

When we’re done, you’ll be able to look at my Aligned Hustle Calendar and know — if you have to turn around a self-tape in three days — WHICH of those three days is the one on which you will shine the most, not trip over your words at all, and even have the best hair day! We can get this figured out down to the freakin’ hour of the day at which you shoot it, y’all!!


Need to have a tough convo with your agent? I can tell you when that’ll be less painful.

Time to collaborate with fellow ninjas on a creative project? I can tell you which days to steer clear of!

Whether it’s a haircut or a proposal, there are soooooo many things that go better with the power of the woo!

This is SO much fun and I’m so excited to share this secret weapon with you!

To BE READY for this livestream, download my March 2021 Aligned Hustle Calendar (yes, I’m making it available to you for free — you’re welcome).

Have this with you during my livestream, which will be taking place at 12pm PST (that’s today, Tuesday the 9th; check your time zone here). Yes, there will be a replay. In fact, I’ll post it just below for you, after it happens. I’ll be broadcasting at at bonniegillespie.com/live as well as pushing through to Facebook and YouTube! So, pick your favorite platform and let’s DO this!


Seriously stoked to share this badassery with you!

Okay, it’s coming up on MOON hour now. Almost time to hop off Clubhouse and head off to sleep. 😉 NO point in trying to sleep while we’re still fully in Mercury hour. That’s the most active brain hour! OF COURSE that’s why I’ve been able to do Clubhouse *while* writing this post. See? It’s magical stuff, when we stop having to push against what’s going on out there.

Let’s WOO this! (Hahahahahaha! I crack myself up!)

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

[REPLAY: Using Astrology to Master Your Calendar]

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