Ah, Capricorn Moon… an uncomfortable combo. The Moon nurtures us into rest and listening to our intuitive gifts. Capricorn’s ambition has us climbing to the top of the mountain… then finding another, taller mountain to climb next. No rest. That’s for some other sign of the zodiac!

Moon in Capricorn - Chart Harmony

When you’re all about that to-do list, maximizing your investments, and approaching your creative projects like a boss, you’re leaning into the natural leadership of the Capricorn Moon. And if you struggle to tap into this energy, I hope you’ll try some of these suggestions!

Capricorn Moon - Chart Harmony

Do things that maximize your strength (you’re very strong). Take a leadership position, even in one small way. Play the long game. Sip some bone broth. Focus on the structure that helps you build everything to new heights.

Natal Moon in Capricorn - Chart Harmony by Bonnie Gillespie

Thanks to this Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac (with the Moon as our guide), you’re learning how to Use Your Moons rather than being surprised by the shifts in energy that happen every couple o’ days.

* * *

And now a word from our sponsor. 😉

Praise for Chart Harmony with Bonnie Gillespie

Did you know that you can meet with me for a 1-on-1 session in which we custom-focus your goals (and how to achieve them) based on your natal chart AND the woo weather ahead? It’s not so much an astrological reading as it is an astrology-informed coaching session. I’d love for you to give it a try! Hop on my schedule here!

Chart Harmony Coaching with Bonnie Gillespie

When I started letting the Moon move me rather than pushing against her, a whole new level of connection opened up for me. I’m more in touch with my emotions without being dominated by them. I’m more understanding of the encounters I have. More forgiving. More in tune with nature and the natural state of grace we all have access to when we’re living in integrity with our fullest selves.

I hope you’re enjoying this Chart Harmony series. I sure am!

Head back here for the Sagittarius Moon edition. Jump on over to the Aquarius Moon here.

All my love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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