Ah, lovely Libra Moon… such a glorious beauty reflected back by this emotional luminary! Thing is, Libra never really knows how he feels. But! He absolutely knows how YOU feel.

Thanks to this Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac (with the Moon as our guide), you’re learning how to Use Your Moons rather than being surprised by the shifts in energy that happen every couple o’ days.

While the Moon is all about our emotional body and how we get our needs met, Libra is a people pleaser who forgets that HE IS PEOPLE too. That makes authentic connecting with Libra a little challenging. He’s great at ALLLLL the surface stuff (and, ooh, he makes it look so good, too), but having deep convos during all the Air-sign talking that’ll happen right now may be a challenge.

Use these few days to focus on beautification. Make things more lovely. Treat yourself like the precious jewel that you are. Do some creative writing. Take a spa day. Do a liver detox. Buy yourself flowers.
And now a word from our sponsor.

If you’d like to go deeper in on your relationship with the magical Moon, I’d love to help guide your connection with one of my custom reports. Check ’em out (they’re ridiculously affordable)!

When I started letting the Moon move me rather than pushing against her, a whole new level of connection opened up for me. I’m more in touch with my emotions without being dominated by them. I’m more understanding of the encounters I have. More forgiving. More in tune with nature and the natural state of grace we all have access to when we’re living in integrity with our fullest selves.
How about you? How does it feel as you Use Your Moons with me like this? Comments are open just below. I’d love to hear from you!
Jump on over to the Scorpio Moon here. Head back here for the Virgo Moon edition.
Much love,
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!