My New Best Friend

Yep. Keith was right. He said, this morning, “I just read this story about your new best friend on trying to keep the world in proper punctuation.” OMG, you aren’t kidding me! This is soooo my new best friend. No doubt.
Lynne Truss’ new book, Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, is totally going on my wish list. But it’s not that *I* need to read it… I need to force others to read it. People are driving me crazy with their lack of regard for its vs. it’s, your vs. you’re, and whose vs. who’s. What IS it with people?? Didja NOT go to school?
Okay… rant concluded… for now. And I totally worship my new best friend.

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  1. Def Jam Becca MC April 21, 2004 at 8:21 am is the website. You should play the punctuation game – great fun. I’m emailing EVERYONE I know. The only downside – I live in fear of improperly punctuating my punctuation diatribes!
    Does a Def Jam Becca MC cease to exist once she has two kids and grey hair? Am I now just (sigh) Rebecca?

  2. Joni April 21, 2004 at 10:44 am

    I saw this yesterday on CNN and immediately thought of you. I’ve already got the book on order to pass on to you. 🙂