Have you ever been so totally and completely obsessed with something that you cannot fathom NOT thinking about it, even for a second?
Yeah. I’ve been obsessed with 1990 Mazda Miata touch-up paint.
Not well.
See, when you have a nearly 16-year-old car, you need to touch up the paint in places from time to time. And when you pack to MOVE, you put things like the touch-up paint you bought ON THE SAME DAY YOU BOUGHT THE CAR in one of several boxes that (after the move) may not get completely unpacked–or even ones that may get put deep into a closet for storage, since you haven’t needed anything in the boxes for months–and God help you if you think you can begin to find said touch-up paint when you realize there’s a little fleck-off going on after the TicTac had a visit to the carwash.
Worse, give up EVER thinking you could find the damn thing, if you just looked ONE MORE TIME inside EVERY FREAKIN’ box, drawer, closet, storage unit of EVERY kind… but please do go ahead and LOOK one more time (scratch that… not ONE more time… try a dozen more times). But don’t you DARE stop THINKING that you *could* possibly find it, if you just looked ONE more time.
I told you I was NOT WELL.
Yes. I finally broke down and spent the FIVE BUCKS plus shipping to order the dang thing from a Miata shop online. Do you think *maybe* I could stop obsessing about where the damn thing is now?
Place yer bets, folks!
PS–I realized that the producer callback Keith had today was for the same show he’s gone to producers for once before during pilot season. Effin’ rockstar!
PPS–Just got home from a great industry thingy hosted by the TMA, Breakdowns, Barefoot Wine, and the Hollywood Reporter for the CBS fall season roll-out (preview, keynote, and panel). Way cool. Awesome giftbags! Swag is goooood.
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zoom zoom zoom…now you’ll have the Mazda song in your head too. Mazda owners unite!!
Way to go Keith and way to go you with your freebies.
How funny, you’re posting about paint and I’m about to scoot off to an audition for a paint commercial.