Over at our awesome Chart Harmony Discord, I get asked questions. Recently, one of ’em was about using Chart Harmony remedies to help with perimenopause symptoms — specifically ones involving the emotional setpoint swinging wildly due to hormonal fluctuations the brain struggles to keep up with. So…

Here we GO!

Ooh, honey. You’ve hit a subject I know a LOT about (and not because I wanted to become an expert in it but because my brain/body wanted me to, apparently).

The BEST part about perimenopause is that it hits pretty much every sign/every planet in some form or fashion. It’s like a whirlwind tour of all of medical astrology by the time we’re on the other side and officially menopausal (PRAISES BE). 😉 ❤️

So, for the mood swings specifically, I found my natal Mars in Cancer was the culprit of most of my “all over the place-ness” and that meant a lot of regular Mars remediation for better-channeled rage followed by lots of Cancer nurturing.

Mercury is involved because of the communication signals between the hormones and what physical symptom needs to be exacerbated according to what may be some really wonky interpretation of what’s going on. For me, specifically, childless by choice since I made that decision before age 10, honestly; on hormonal birth control for 20+ years; and suddenly all the primal brain’s “you must procreate” alarms start going off and it’s like a 5-alarm fire going off every hour to panic about the sputtery spark plugs that are trying to make sure the body-haver knows time is running out to use these eggs (that my body never actually made). So, there’s Mars getting poked BY my natal Mercury (they are conjunct, so it’s not a big reach, there) and because there’s a pop of surprise to it all, that brings in Uranus… in my 1H… which is where we look for physical symptoms showing up anyway. Lordy… I’m going on about my experience when I know what you’re asking about is mood swings. So… back to that…

See if the moods are feeling like any one planet over another. Or which blend of planets may be involved (like I laid out for my situation, above). Because treating the planets gets a LOT of stuff worked out for us.

I know you mentioned Scorpio (reproductive parts) and Pisces (hormones) and those are both good signs to play with too… but I look to the rulers of those (Mars and Jupiter) to come up with WHAT needs to be done. With both the signs being Water signs, that means you’re pulling from the BLUE Chart Harmony collection of activities. [Start HERE.] The more you can do from that list o’ stuff, the more you’re going to neutralize (not end, but perhaps stop the extremes from being SO pegged to the walls) some of the emotions (because they’ve been lovingly/peacefully expressed before the chemical signals create some drama in the brain).

How are Mars and Jupiter in your chart? What might THEY need? And check your Mercury/Uranus for funsies. Uranus gets activated during the Uranus opposition (age 42, appx.) and tends to be a bigger part of our life story than before that activation (especially in people experiencing perimenopausal symptoms).

The more you can treat yourself like a bit of an experiment — and treat this as data collection — the better. Our systems are generally very good at communicating exactly what we need; we just have to stop the overdeveloped muscle of thinking something is WRONG and that we need to medicate it out of existence. 😉

Finally, to let the whole experience know that you’re grateful for the opportunity to experience so much of your chart at once/over just a few years is a great spin on things, which helps in so many ways!

❤️ HAVE FUN with this! (Yes, really.) 😉

NOTE: I spent so much time Googling ALL THE THINGS as my perimenopausal journey began and there’s such a lack of info out there that I made sure to clock/keep up with my experimentation so I could share like this. And 100%, it’s different for EVERYbody, which is something to be celebrated and come at from a place of curiosity, ideally.

Glad your instincts were already getting you in the neighborhood of some of the planets that want your attention. That’s no accident! 😉 I spent a lot of time lying down and communicating with the cells of my body, thanking them for doing such good work communicating/alerting me to the end of estrogen production from my ovaries (shifting BACK to the adrenals, where they’re produced before first menstruation).

As I visualized my adrenals, all dusty and confused as to why they’re being asked to create estrogen after decades NOT doing that, I thanked them for standing by for that (and for doing so much primal-brain-survival-hormone-producing, of course).

Mercury and Uranus were all over the place in that visualization and I did a lot of candle/herb/oil spellwork while listening to ascension music/Solfeggios.

Just ALLOWING my brain to feel less concerned/confused about it all helped immensely.

Excited for all you learn! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my experience here! (I think we’ve got another blog post. 😉 Tee hee!)

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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