Photo Essay

I really like the “Day in the Life” Photo Essay Big Mike in Korea created.
Reminds me that I used to think, way back in high school, that I would like to take a Polariod of myself every morning before leaving the house. The idea came about because I was spending a lot of time writing down my outfits when I was in the 9th grade (yes, really… I was the “poor kid wearing hand-me-downs” then and it was very important to me to not look like the poor kid wearing hand-me-downs, so I kept a log of what I wore each day, to try and mix it up a bit and not have a “Tuesday Uniform” thing going on).
I thought, “Wow, wouldn’t it be so much easier to do this photographically?” Yes, of course.
Anyway, as I got older, and probably when I was minoring in photography at UGA, I began to explore the idea of a daily photo… just to have a regular essay, an ongoing record, of changes in a life. Never actually did it, though.
As I’m typing this, I recall a find that Chip made: a discovery of this family’s photo essay. It’s pretty dang amazing (once you get to like 20 years of photos).

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