Queer and Lovely

Having been burned by TiVo grabbing Queer as Folk instead of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy last week, tonight I am finally getting to see my first episode of the latter.
I have not been so bouncing-up-and-down-happy over TV since the 90210 Reunion Show. Oh, happy happy me.
What a GREAT show! Don’t know from Bravo? Well, at least go visit the Fab 5 online.
Next note: I am feverishly editing the final few chapters of the new book. I need the following: a volunteer to agree to read the entire book (240 pages) in just two days, and provide me with notes (edits of content, format, grammar, spelling, punctuation; suggestions for removals, additions, resequencing; and general comments on the book as a whole–its place in the world of “the business of acting” texts) by Wednesday morning. Anyone up for it? Shoot me an email toot sweet and we’ll work out a deal for me to get you something pretty when the book starts selling.
Back to the book… Have to get the dang thing indexed and into PageMaker and none of that can happen before the final chapters are done!

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