Happy Fired UP Friday! π Hope you’re having a divine year-end and that you're prepped for a glorious 2019!
As promised in the ol’ subject line, this is just a list! But if you’ve been hoping to work together, you’ll wanna comb through this to hop on some amazing opportunities.
1. So, like I said, this is a list. It’s a list of 11 things. Why 11? Not sure. I love the number (yeah, I was born on the 11th of July, so maybe that’s a part of it, but also, um “angel numbers” y’all). Do you love a list? Do you make a year-end list? If you do, I’d really love to see your year-end list. Share it with me in the comments below!
2. I always set a word of the year. Do you do this? 2018, the word was REACH. I intended it to be reaching OUT. Reaching new people, new heights, new niches outside of acting. Instead, it meant reaching deeply inward in ways I never anticipated possible. This mind-body healing journey has changed me forever. And I’m not done. We're never done. For 2019, I think my word will be DISCOVERY.
3. I’m doing one last Facebook Live of 2018 on Sunday and I’d love for you to join me right over here if you’re around. If you miss it, don’t worry; there’s always a replay! We’ll be talking about those intention-setting words o’ the year and of course how to live your dreams without blocks (because it’s totally possible to soften them over time).
4. Our free year-end challenge, Get in Gear for the New Year, is wrapping up! Of course, it’s not too late to be a part of the fun if you’ve missed out on this crazyfun momentum-building tools and mindset challenge! Totally free… do it with a friend. You will *always* get something out of these tweaks. π And you’re welcome!
5. During our free year-end 11-day challenge, we always run a scholarship contest and this year is no exception. By sharing photos of yourself holding up your beloved Self-Management for Actors and using the #SMFAninjas hashtag, you’re in on the fun (and we do both random drawings from all entries *and* scholarships for most creative, entertaining, clever entries). Feel free to vote on your faves at our Facebook gallery of entries so far. We’ll announce all winners on the 31st. What’s the win? Scholarships to our 100-day challenge, Get in Gear for the Next Tier, and — if you’re already enrolled in that badassery and you happen to win — free coaching with MEEEEE! Ooh, so good!
6. Speaking of Get in Gear for the Next Tier, I need to let you know that there is a price increase coming once 2018 is a thing of the past. So — even if you’re not ready to start right away — if you want to lock in our best price, enroll today! (Yes, the price is locked in at the lower rate even for our payment plan if you sign up now.) Also, please be sure you grab yourself a mentor (details in our SMFA Facebook group) so you both score free coaching with me when you qualify! It’s SUCH a boost to an already life-changing membership. Not. Exaggerating.
7. Elite alumni! We are now accepting applications for the 2019 SMFA Escape. Make it happen if this immersive retreat aligns with your goals. ’nuff said.
8. Expansive Capacity is our new mind-body enoughness mastermind to bust through resistance and upper-limit problems merging the SMFA tools with a bit o’ woo-woo goodness. Our topic for January is YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE INDUSTRY and you can still get your application in by starting here.

9. Okay. I’m still not sure how this happened, but you can watch for the moment the lightbulb actually goes off over my head. Introducing: the SMFA condom — replay at Facebook if you like to read or leave comments, also at YouTube if you prefer your vids straight up. π The actual topic is how to create balance between the two brains required to make it in showbiz. It requires boundaries. I'll let you connect the dots. ¯\_(γ)_/¯
10. Ooh, big number 10 is all about celebrating the return of my podcast, The Work! Wanna catch up on seasons 1 – 9 before new episodes start rollin’ out in 2019? Start here!
11. Finally, I’m introducing a brand new offering for 2019 called The Aligned Hustle Calendar. (Annual subscription or one month at a time.) I’ve been encouraged by some of you beautiful people to share what helps me get so damn much done — even when life makes it a whole lot more challenging sometimes. One of my secrets? I lean into what the calendar shows me is most favorable at any given time. This turns trends into secret superpowers! I’ve combined here the SMFA casting calendar, festivals and awards season info, and what the planets are up to — and each calendar comes with audio coaching on how best to use the data. Ah… this shit’s good, y’all!
Okay, there’s your list of 11 things! Have a list to share with me? Pop it in just below! Can’t wait to jam with you. π
Your next BonBlast won’t be ’til 2019, so let me close this off by saying a huge thank you to each and every one of you reading now (and those who skim too). 2018 was one of the most challenging years I’ve ever faced. Yes, at a time when I experienced more personal growth and professional success than ever, I had seriously intense convos with myself about whether I might be done with my life’s work (and not by my choosing; I had to surrender as a part of my healing process). I had to get okay that I might never again give anything to this business of ours. And I had to decide that what I’ve given thus far in life has been enough.
The cool part about that kind of clarity (besides it allowing healing to be my full-time job for most of the year) is that it makes everything that comes after it full-on bonus points territory.
And it pretty much makes my confidence unfuckwithable.
That’s nice.
Let me hear from you, lovely. π Whether it’s here in the comments, with a tweet, or with any other social media connection (#SMFAninjas), I thank you for connecting BACK. Blogging was never intended to be a one-way communication platform so it means a lot when you show me it’s more than that, between you and me.
THANK YOU. I read it all, even if I can’t reply to everything. Promise!
I’m wishing you all success in 2019 and beyond! Let’s go get it! You ready?
Yeah ya are!
It. Is. ON!
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!
Funny you have a βlistβ BonBlast – as I just launched in #SMFAninjas style (85% baby!!) my brand new podcast called The VP List β it will be sent to Apple Podcasts and all other platforms where you listen! Each week I cover various topics with the Top three things you need to know – and maybe one you donβt! I have episode #1: about the top three things you need to do if youβre job hunting! https://anchor.fm/victoria-prather
2018 was also an introspective year for me. I deal with depression and the changes in my life needed my focus. This year, I will focus more on balance while achieving the next tier.
How fabulous, ladies! Thank you so much for sharing! XO
Funny you made a list of 11 things at the end of an 11 Universal Year (and you were born on the 11th… ahhh)! I’m an 11 Life Path number which is why I noticed. Its a total Master Number!! An 11, like two pillars in the form of a doorway that you built, is a portal to our higher selves, higher tiers, however you want to describe it. Its the most intuitive number. You’re always SO DANG serendipitous , girl! I know its all woo-woo but it really brings me so much joy and amazement to read your stuff. Thank you for writing and building and doing.
Girl, you know I’m all about that woo-woo goodness. Looking forward to jamming with you in Expansive Capacity! When you’re feeling those 11 doorway numbers lighting your way, pull out that email from last month and join us!