One of my favorite things about working with actors and other creatives is helping ’em get down with one of my favorite things to do: Answer the prompt, “So… tell me about yourself!”

Seriously, I could field this one all day! I am so incredibly practiced at answering questions about me and how I fit into the world of ANYTHING that’s on the table at the moment that it’s a breeze to play with this bit of Brandprov.

Pay attention to what I just said.

I’m incredibly practiced at this.

This is — like most ninja skills — something *anyone* can learn to do. It doesn’t take a natural inclination to sparkle while speaking extemporaneously! While that certainly doesn’t HURT, it’s simply not required!

You’ve just gotta START… wherever you are. [Bonnie Gillespie’s BRANDPROV for Actors]

(Curious about “this course” for which there’s been a LOT of prep for this particular day’s work? Hit this page to learn about Get in Gear for the Next Tier, a life-changing 100 days [no exaggeration] that will forever have you so in love with your creative career that you never dread ANY element of its twists and turns!)

If you wanna warm up using some Brandprov prompts (beginner *and* advanced), hop over to my SMFA Hot Sheets to grab your free downloads, fire up your camera, then GET TO IT!

This is a totally free workout and there is ZERO excuse for you to *ever* feel ill-prepared for being asked to talk about how you fit into the world of a talent agency, a management firm, a TV series, or any other showbiz world!

You’re arming others with the exact words to use about you by what you choose to put out there about yourself.

Once you feel like you’ve gotten a sense of how to drop breadcrumbs down the path for how we’re meant to cast you next — something you do with every single thing you say to buyers — don’t let yourself get rusty! Pick up your camera and do this workout again. And again. And yet again at every tier!

You are your full-time brand manager and we only know how you fit in thanks to the work YOU do to let us know. 🙂

Ready? Let’s GO!

Can’t wait to jam with you about YOUR Brandprov work in the comments below, gorgeous!

Wanna be sure your tools *and* your mindset are in peak form? Let us get you in gear with some FREE training right now!

Rock ON!

Bonnie Gillespie

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Jonathan Riggs April 26, 2017 at 11:09 am

    Done. Bonnie. Where do you want us to post?

  2. Bonnie Gillespie April 26, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    Nice work, Jonathan! This family history SO explains much of your vibe!! If you want a more advanced run at this, do it again but half the length. 🙂 Ideally, if you can get down to 60 – 90 seconds, you’re gonna charm ’em while not losing those of the low-attention-span set. GREAT WORK!

  3. Jonathan Riggs April 26, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    Super feedback. Thank you, Bonnie. I was wondering how long this should be. I’ll try to take another run at it.

  4. Bonnie Gillespie April 26, 2017 at 3:55 pm

    Yeah, it’s not so much about a specific time it should take, but what feels natural in conversation vs. getting rambly or unfocused. If you’ll rewatch, you’ll notice you use “wrap up” lingo at least three times but then continue adding things. So getting really tight about how much of that needs to be mentioned all at once (vs. what can be held for follow-up or just hinted at, first time through) will serve you well and leave room for more back and forth after the initial answer! 🙂

  5. Bonnie Gillespie April 26, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    Tight! And so engaging! You’re VERY watchable and I enjoyed this very much, Jonathan! 🙂 Rock ON!


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