So Easily Amused

Thwok has a new favorite toy.
Packing peanuts.
See, Keith went to our distributor’s warehouse today and picked up a box of “damaged returns” (which is silly, b/c they aren’t really *damaged* as much as smudged or handled in some way that makes them no longer “sell as new” material), in case we’d like to use the books for giveaways or whatever.
Box has assorted packing peanuts in it, and just enough of a hole in the top for the silver munkey to snake her paw inside and pull out said peanuts and play, play, play, play, play.
I am amused at how she is amused. The elder kitties are just so glad the thunder has stopped. They did not like that. I, on the other hand, LOVED IT, especially when it was so loud (just before the rain began) that the entire schoolyard filled with children across the street erupted in high-pitched screams of terror and excitement. Hee hee hee.
So easily amused.
PS–next entry will be my 888th at Cool, eh?

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