I had the great pleasure of witnessing an amazing read-thru of How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone last night. And the actors we put in place made me look like a BRILLIANT casting director.
They were passionate, professional, filled to the brim with talent and a sense of joy at simply BEING. And really, that’s all anyone EVER wants an actor to be. Present, talented, committed, easy-going, and ready to share a story with the world. MAN, I LOVE MY JOB!
Thank you, amazing actors!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
Some of the Finest Actors on the Planet
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Considering that it’s your job to pick people who will make the whole thing look good, I’d say you did your job on this one;)
and it takes a great casting director with those qualities herself to recognize that in others!!
Who is that good-looking man in the second set? Fourth one over? Gee…he looks really familiar!
you are so money you don’t even know how money you really are!
Nice work, Bon. Relish in this.
This is one sexy blog entry! Woot-woot!