So, I’m working on my next book, Have Fun; Don’t Suck! I go to do a “save as…” on a doc so I can both preserve its original version and have this updated one under…
Posts tagged what you control
The Work: Ep. 0605 — Staying Present
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0605 of The Work. Download Here! Staying Present: Balance is everything and it’s an inside job. Anxiety is the opposite of being present, so to cut everything from…
The Work: Ep. 0603 — Don’t Leave Your Party
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0603 of The Work. Don’t Leave Your Party: Dazzle your fans; don’t chase your haters to ask them why they’re not INTO you. So many creatives choose to…
The Cure for Your ISM
So, last week I was contacted by a BBC reporter to discuss the issues of sexism and ageism in Hollywood. Apparently, a lot of older actresses are grousing about how there are no roles for…
The Work: Ep. 0601 — What If vs. What Is
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0601 of The Work. Download Here! What If vs. What Is: Are you a “What-Iffer” or a “What-Isser” in life? Bonnie Gillespie guides you to strike a balance…
Acting in a Market with No Industry
Dear Bonnie, I’ve read your book and I loved it! I still don’t know what to do and where to start though, because I’m not English-speaking. (How would I say the line or impress someone…
Ryan Kolbe: Why I Chose to Not Renew My Theatrical Agent Contract
No less than once a day, I’m told by eager actors, “I’ve *got* to get an agent! I just need *someone* to sign me!” My response is always the same: “Don’t rush this. It’s not…
Dip Management
This time of year (yes, just a couple of weeks into it) tends to correspond with a dip in energy for a lot of folks. Resolutions have been broken, best intentions have been derailed, old…
Scheduling Success
I mentioned last week that we’re closing off the year with a free training series called Get in Gear for the New Year. One of the elements of this course that’s already been active is…
Actor Coming Back After a Break: First Steps
Hello, My question is: I am returning to acting after a long break, marriage, daughter, husband’s job changed a few times to different parts of the countries, etc. My status is honorary withdrawal from SAG….