Thank You for Your Help!

Because this week’s column was inspired by a great question sent through to my email address for use in a Your Turn segment, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you wonderful readers for reaching out with fantastic emails that inspire all sorts of columns here, discussion topics when I’m out giving talks to groups of actors, and concepts for heated debates among my fellow CDs and actor friends.

Additionally, I have to extend a HUGE thanks to those amazing working actors who so generously shared their on-set experiences with me for this week’s column. I had recently encountered a few non-sharing actors, filled with disdain for those who ask advice about what is such a complex career choice. It’s as if these non-sharing actors were offended by the fact that they, who “had to learn everything the hard way,” were being asked to mentor a newbie. So, the fact that my very short-notice email to a handful of actors with decades of experience was met with immediate, enthusiastic, meticulously-detailed accounts of life on the set just helped to remind me of one of my own favorite sayings.

Any time I see someone succeed I am happy, for it affirms my belief that I live in a world where success is possible.

It needn’t be your own career that is boosted by the efforts you exert. A willingness to demystify the process of “making it” in this industry is a beautiful thing. And I am thrilled to have witnessed such generosity-upon-request. To my actor friends who helped bring this week’s column together, I thank you. You’re a class act, each of you!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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