What are you becoming? ✨

January 1st, we all shift into a new numerological year. 🦋 Add your birth month + day + 2024 down until you get a single digit. That’s your numerology for the upcoming year.

I’m entering an 8 year… and I was born an 8, so I always look forward to these years. I feel strong, seen, and powerful in the most expansive and healing ways.

stained glass butterfly to color

I’m reeeeeeeaallllllyyy looking forward to my 8 year. The 7 year, by contrast, is so quiet, private, and courage-building. I’m ready to end the solitude and mettle-testing. ⚕️

What’s your 2024 number?
1 = planting seeds for the new cycle
2 = nurturing those seeds through emotions
3 = manifestation, celebration
4 = hard work building a home
5 = rebellion, friskiness, play
6 = rebuilding, getting your house in order
7 = inside the courage-building cocoon
8 = the powerful butterfly emerges
9 = closing the cycle, decluttering

If you’d like a more extensive tour through the 9 years of the numerological cycle *and* what your birth number reveals, check out my FREE training called What Your Birthday Says About You right here.

Have you checked out my super-awesome on-demand year-ahead webinar? It’s available to you RIGHT HERE. Yay!

2024 is a biggie, y’all.



Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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