Been going through some very odd physical things for the past week. Not sure what’s going on.

I’m shaking, shivering, enduring panic attacks, feeling that airhead feeling I mentioned before, and having some very odd “toxic dumping” stuff happening.
I don’t understand it. I don’t fear it, which is good, but I sure don’t love it. I have to leave the house tomorrow, so I need to at least stop with the shaking and find a way to NOT panic out.
Cute image thanks to the greatness of Elizabeth Tindal.
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Have you ruled out all medical things possible?
Hope you are feeling better girl!
Remember, whats the worst possible thing that can happen?
If its going to kill ya, then I’d say thats something to consider, if not, don’t sweat it, it’s small banannas. Easier said than done, I know first hand, but try it, it works.
Identify exactly what the worst possible thing is, you might find it’s no biggie.
Hey. I’m sorry that you’re not feeling quite at the top of your game. I hope that things re-center soon.
I don’t know what it is, but the last two weeks of September always seem to be especially fraught with badness.