That’s the number of Vicodin (three) and Excedrin (two) that, at once, are too many for my body to handle.
At least my eye socket stopped throbbing/twitching (it has been doing so pretty much daily since April 13th).
I think I liked it better when I took a muscle relaxer and went to bed. Don’t know whether that stopped the throb/twitch thing, but it sure as hell felt better than the trip the Three and Two are putting me through.
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Ohhhhh, hug you baby sister. Let me know if there is anything else you need. I love you. Feel better. XXOO
One! One bottle of NyQuil. Does it for me everytime.
Feel better sweetness.
Poor Bonnie. If I can do ANYTHING . . . let me know. I am always here for you. Let us do lunch before Jackie leaves. I miss you.