“It’s part of your service.”
Okay, so, I have this TiVo, right?
Well, lookee here… day ten or so I start receiving ads on my message/menu screen.
Ignore it and it will go away?
Check some box to opt out?
Click through the message, view the ad, then have the option to delete (as with viewed messages regarding customer service or lineup changes)?
Call the 800 number to say, “Um, if we’re paying you $13/mo. for this service, why are you throwing ads at us?”
“Oh, it’s part of your service.”
“I want to opt out. I’m paying you for a service and you’re including something I never agreed to receive, something I have no power to delete, and something I cannot keep from coming to my TV message/menu screen.”
“It’s a part of your service.”
BAD service, TiVo. Not liking this.
In other news, I did vote to save and dump some shows (thanks Chip), and really I chose to save shows I either like (very few of those) or that cast friends of mine in roles this season, and therefore should be rewarded.
Oh! Congratulations Shelley and Trevor, for getting un-screwed by the landlord. Excellent news!
In other, other news… ugh… the job stuff. So very very very hard.
Okay, so… casting directors have been called and have received a letter from my former boss (distancing from me in true corporately-owned entity fashion) and, lo and behold, they’re repairing relationships and deciding to move away from the stand they took with me last week… and do the panel after all. Of course, they say something really nice like, “But only if Bonnie comes back and moderates,” and then, when they’re told that there is no way that will happen, they go ahead and agree to do the panel just the same.
Politics. Ugh.
Of course it’s the casting community that really matters to the publication. I’m a writer. They get 20 resumés a week from people who want my job. I’m totally and completely dispensable, and there is no reason they’d need to patch things up with me in order to have the panel go on.
Honestly–I don’t mind not working for the paper anymore. Will I miss the money? Sure. Will I find something else that pays better quickly and not really notice the difference? Most likely.
I forced my boss’ hand by making my resignation letter public. I get that. I made that choice and it got me out of what others are calling an “abusive relationship” so that I can now do the work I’m really supposed to do with this notoriety.
I had no other choice. None. I know that. Well, I’m told I did have another choice, but not one that would ever mesh with who I truly am.
I cried last night about all of this. My tears were not tears of regret. Just sadness over the end of a long-term relationship.
The Book… buy now more than ever!
NEW! Cricket Feet Calendar Lemmeknow if you love it.
“In one of my more condescending voices I said, ‘It’s the Beets. From Doug.’ He said, ‘Wow, Mr. Woods. You’re not as old as I thought you were.’ I assured him that I am certainly that old, I just watch a LOT of TV.” — Chip, on SpyNotebook, October 2002
TiVo gripe:
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