Tomorrow is the 12th

And while Chip’s Day in the Life Challenge was way cool* (even though I did it on time but posted it way late), the master of the genre is Chad Darnell, whose “12 of 12” rocks hard.

Got this by way of KiKi, who says I must participate this month. We shall see. My 12th is scheduled to be pretty dang boring, but maybe someone will want to see me looking at headshots, taking pitch calls from agents on The Masquerade, folding laundry, writing this week’s column, and watching BH: 90210–the Brenda years on the telly.
* Worst challenge ever. Just sayin’.
PS–New photo on the left in honor of Quinn‘s next visit to La-La Land. Woo! That’s us at “the wedding,” note me holding Keith’s ring in my hand… that’s what Quinn had brought to me before the hug. Aww.

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  1. babes May 12, 2006 at 10:50 am

    KiK convinced me to do it too (I was very on the fence a) because it’s my last day at work, I don’t want to commemorate it, b) I need to put in a good two weeks at the gym and NOT be on my period before I’m photographed ever again, and c) no one is here, it’s ugly, it’s even an ugly day, and I am ugly (bloated, puffy-eyed, morose) on an ugly day in an ugly office and I’m aesthetically oriented.
    I’m just wondering if I could get away with a very discrete boobie for my self-portrait shot? What do you think? I mean the pic is taken. I just don’t know if I should put it on the internet.

  2. Erik May 12, 2006 at 2:51 pm

    BonBon (Or BonBob) (or BonkBonk), I think you should totally do the 12 of 12. Not just because I told you to, but because I like the pictures you took for Chip’s challenge, and because even a boring day is interesting in pictures when it’s part of a PROJECT. (I just love the idea of projects and I love the idea of looking at a bunch of people’s 12 of 12s and I want some 12 of 12s in there from people I know.) (Oh, and Christy, I’m pro boobie, but I’m gay, so take that how you wanna take it.)


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