I started to pick up my journal and write this. Because it’s really not anything I expect most folks to GAF about (and some of it is pretty triggering). But writing right now hurts my arm (we went and got vaccinated this afternoon and I am SORE), so here it is, in basically 2 parts.

Part 1: The Physical/Logistical Reason I Cancelled Today’s Webinar

There’s this episode of Sex and the City in which Carrie is out all night celebrating that in the morning she’s going to shoot the cover of New York Magazine, doing a story called “Single and Fabulous.”

Carrie Bradshaw looking a mess after partying all night; she smokes as the photographer tests the light on her before she gets into hair and makeup

Instead of going to sleep when she gets home far too late, she decides to power through with lots of coffee, cigarettes, and the paper… which she reads on her bed, and of course that leads to her falling asleep after all. Shocked awake by her ringing phone and, on the other end of it, the crew furious she’s not there yet, she has no time to do anything more than grab her cigarettes and rush to set, where they’re doing test shots to get the light right.

Carrie Bradshaw's cover of New York Magazine, "Single & Fabulous?" -- it's the test shot and it's not good

Eventually, the magazine hits the stands and she is on the cover. The words “Single and Fabulous” are not the only thing across her haggard, up-all-night face and hair, cigarette-clutching image. There’s a question mark. (Watch a clip of how she and her friends react to this crime of punctuation.)

So, here I am having pulled an all-nighter. Not partying. Not out dancing. Not being social. Nope… an all-nighter prepping for my annual year-ahead Chart Harmony webinar (always the best-attended event, and lots of on-demand watchers too). I’ve been working on this webinar for months, to some extent. I’ve decided I want to not just focus on the big astrological events of 2025 but also into 2026, since you can’t really know the story of 2025’s woo weather without looking at what continues to happen into 2026.

This week is crunch time for my prep. It’s when I do all the emails and workbook pages and graphics and slides and — hopefully — it’s when I incentivize viewers coming into our world via an irresistible offer! (And my whole team is exceptionally excited about this year’s offer! INCLUDING ME!)

Lots to do and I’m on top of it… even though the world is a lot. So, I’m a little slower on the slides part of things, but that’s okay. I tend to do very well with off-the-cuff/no-slides livestreams anyway; I never edit my broadcasts; so, saving the slides ’til last is fine because I can do the webinar even with something more bare-bones on screen.

I finish the workbook as the sun is coming up, so I send it out to everyone and add a link to it to the 1-hour reminder email that would go out via Zoom a few hours later. It looked like I would be able to close my eyes for a 90-minute sleep cycle, get up, finish at least a skeleton version of the slides, get camera-ready, and then do my webinar. Hooray!

And when I woke up, instead of feeling energized, I felt exhausted. And not because I had been out all night… it was as though I had gotten hit by a wave of unwell… and it wasn’t even my own.

Because I was already doing this webinar way earlier in the year than I normally do, I felt okay cancelling (well, “okay” is the wrong word; I felt like shit cancelling it, but I could *get* okay about it when I relaxed).

And that brings me to…

Part 2: The Possibly-Triggering/Astrological Reason I Cancelled Today’s Webinar

This part is something pretty personal. And also possibly rough to consider, re: the upcoming woo weather. So, please take care of yourself and your needs as you continue reading.

For years now, every astrologer has been looking ahead to the changes coming in 2025 and 2026. This is in addition to the big astro of 2024, and 2020 before that. These are things that we’ve known were coming for a long time, obvi, but as we’ve hurtled closer to each of these years, we’ve been able to get more clear about what some of the shifts are going to mean in terms of our lived experiences.

As recently as just before the Presidential Election here in the States, the woo weather of the next 18 months was representative of a lot of the war energy that the Flaming Cheeto and his parade of red-hat/hatred-wearing cult members were already promising would be coming our way if he didn’t win. So, yeah, that makes sense. There’s all this war energy in the woo weather and Trump was going to be sure we heard from him in a big way about how the election was stolen from him or whatevz.

But he won, somehow. And now that puts the war energy of the upcoming woo weather into a much scarier, much larger set of conditions. The wars of his buddies Putin and Kim and Xi (Oh, my!) become his (and therefore our) wars. Suddenly the “what ifs” have fewer variables to consider. And while any sense of certainty should be comforting, welp, let’s just say it’s not.

As I’ve been prepping for my webinar, I’ve been dealing with the situation that also caused my custom plan•it planners to be slow in coming through. As I do the day-by-day astro analysis, I actually FEEL the transits. It’s like when I had to stop practicing reiki as a kid because I started taking people’s issues INTO my body, working on them there, then giving them back the healthier energy. That’s not safe. At least once, it would create a lasting situation in my own body. That’s not cool. And it’s the wild kind of empath setting I just seem to have!

(Big part of why I drank as much as I did for as long as I did. Big part of why I ended up on bedrest by the time I’d been sober for a little bit more than a year. Big part of why I’ve carried excess weight on my body most of my life. These are all buffers to the energetic hitchhikers I seem to attract.)

Obvi, I’ve been working on how to create a better boundary between me and the woo weather of individuals whose content I’m building pretty much all year with these custom goodies. And it seems to help when I work with clients one-on-one. There’s something about the interactivity that keeps me from soaking in their stuff. And the prep work of their charts I do before our live sessions isn’t enough to tax me as much as going through months or a year (or more) of the astrology they’re facing does.

I was thinking I wouldn’t have such a heavy load with analyzing ALL of the woo weather for the next 18 months since it’s not geared to any ONE person’s astrological settings… and yet, preparing for this webinar has been A. LOT. (Because, of course, the woo weather of the next 18 months IS a lot.) Yes, I can continue to learn more about how to protect myself from heavy Energetic Loads experientially, but that very learning has its own Energetic Load. Of course.

And even though my team tells me I’m great at reframing scary stuff so my clients don’t leave the encounter feeling fearful about what lies ahead for us all, I didn’t feel as though I was equipped to do a good job reframing the upcoming woo weather. In fact, I felt as though my presentation would make matters worse because I was too exhausted to have a filter about how I personally believe some of the astrology ahead will impact us here.

As always, any given time has an astrological signature that makes conditions more or less likely to see us behaving or acting in any specific way. We still always have free will. We always have choices (and then consequences). I just had a lot more faith in my fellow humans a couple of weeks ago than I do now. And the results of the U.S. election have me less optimistic about what we — collectively — will do with the woo weather coming up in 2025 and 2026.

So… all of that coming together at once may explain the cancellation.

My plan is to spend time over the next few days doing the slides (hopefully having more space in the creative process will help with the empath overload), coming up with fun ways for us to contextualize some rough stuff (not hiding from it; not letting the discussion of it spin us out either though), and continuing to recover from my vaccinations. I’m going to also do some Chart Harmony with Daddy Saturn to get him holding better boundaries for me and with me.

Thank you for witnessing my would-be-a-journal-entry blog post. Keep an eye on my events page for updates to the timing of my webinar: “How to Survive 2025 — Astrology for Wild Times.” I’m currently eyeing the 23rd and 30th of November. Stay tuned!

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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