This is from a series at our Chart Harmony Discord server… scroll down for the link if you’d like to join us there for all the good convos we have going on there. 😉

We’ve got our Libra Moon ’til Thursday morning, y’all! ❤️ Libra is our sign of partnership (romantic, business, or any other 1-on-1 relationship, including not-so-friendlies). This period of time highlights balance, fairness, seeing both sides, and finding the beauty in everything. Can you do something to honor this lunation?
~ talk it out with someone (1-on-1 is better than group work right now)
~ settle an argument between others (mediate; be diplomatic)
~ rearrange something at home to make things more beautiful (or even just buy flowers and put them in a place of honor)
~ work out doing things on both sides of your body at once (bicep curls, lat pulls, even jumping jacks)
~ have a little spa session with yourself (facial, mani/pedi, or go get a massage)
As you do any of these things, THANK LIBRA MOON for showing up to meet you! Bonus points for looking at WHAT HOUSE Libra is in, in your natal chart, and doing something that’s particularly suited for that house’s vibe. ❤️

Not sure about which house hosts your lovely Libra influences? Grab my free training — What Your Birthday Says About You — here! I’ve gotchuu! And if you’d like to join our free community for having these discussions on the daily, our Discord is here. Yay!
Have fun y’all! Enjoy the balance!
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!