I’m supposed to be going live right now to close off the SMFA Summit, remind y’all the free replays are available for a few more hours, announce the WINNERS of all our drawings (so! much! goodness! from our amazing panelists of the first-ever SMFA Summit), and invite you to join in the newest class of Get in Gear for the Next Tier — with a coaching bonus (a one-hour Zoom session with me, a $500 value) when you enroll before 10pm PDT.

Busy day planned.

And that’s my white privilege at work. I have the OPTION to not put my full attention on what’s happening in our world, in my nation, in my very own neighborhood as helicopters circle overhead right now… because that’s what privilege allows: OPTIONS.

My work right now — yes, in addition to emailing all the winners of the SMFA Summit, posting the June Expansive Capacity lesson, and welcoming in those of you who ARE joining us in the gym that is Get in Gear for the Next Tier (and scoring that massive coaching bonus) — is to determine how best to use my privilege and my platform to "ask the hard questions," as our brilliant SMFA Summit panelist Tanya Perez said during our interview. Further, it’s to not shy away from looking when the answers to those hard questions toss up an ugly mirror for things I thought — as an ally — I would never see.

Since Self-Management for Actors is all about pulling back the curtain and getting REAL about how to make it in showbiz and what really goes on in such a mysterious process — so we can all bring our voices to the largest stage available to us, always — I’m committing to further curtain-pulling-back work, so I can be as much of service as possible to my black friends, colleagues, and partners in this business and in this life.

I cannot begin to know all the right next steps here. What I can commit to, though, is that we at Team Bonnie Gillespie will continue to be here with you as we *all* ask the hard questions.

We envision a world in which our stories change lives — in fact we know they do, every day. Please do not silence your voice, storytellers. Your work is vitally important, now and always. Because our work can heal, it has massive value. But first, we have different work to do. I am learning what that needs to look like. Thank you for your patience with this pivot.

IF you have the OPTION of taking a break from whatever your day looks like right now to watch a few of the SMFA Summit replays, I recommend it. They’re inspiring and motivating and real. (Get access here, if you don’t already have it.)

IF you have the OPTION of joining us in the dojo for ongoing work and support, I am also coaching you newest Get in Gear for the Next Tier members who join before 10pm PDT and that coaching can take whatever shape it needs to. I am here to serve.

IF you have the OPTION of creating art today, do it. Because it heals. It’s important.

And for those of you out in the streets, please be safe and please be strong. This is ALL very important work.

All my love, always,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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