Hello beautiful people! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday! Today we’re going to look at your chart ruler.
Yep, there’s a planet that’s “in charge” in many ways. Knowing which planet that is — and what that planet is known for — can go a long way in helping us understand the root of many of our choices in life. Our beliefs. Our personality.
Neat, huh?
Grab your chart, as rendered in the Free Horoscopes/Natal Chart, Ascendant menu item at Astro.com (I have a walk-thru on how to do that in all of my free webinars).
As usual, I offer up my chart as an example for where to look for things on your own chart. Here goes:

We’re looking for the letters AC out on the edge of the chartwheel that would match where the 9 is on an analogue clock (in the 1st House, if you want to use the little numbers around the center of the chartwheel). You can also see the letters AC in the far-left table filled with all the glyphs and numbers. Finally, AC is also at the very bottom of the staircase table as well.
It’s all telling you the same thing: The sign of your Ascendant. AC. Sometimes ASC. AKA your Rising!
This is literally the point of the horizon from which the sun would rise on the day of your birth. This is why we need the exact time and place of your birth. (Well, it’s one of the reasons we need that.)
So, each sign is ruled by a different planet.

We’re using what’s called traditional rulership; yes, there is a modernized version, but there are some very compelling reasons to stick with traditional rulers… so we will.
Using the sign you identified as your Rising (remember, you’re looking for AC on the chartwheel or in the tables), look at the rulership map to determine which planet is associated with your Rising sign. For me — Libra Rising — that’d be Venus!
Congratulations! You’ve identified my chart ruler! And now yours, right?
So, what does our chart ruler have to do with how we navigate life? A LOT. In our Chart Harmony membership over the next few months, we’ll be digging in on the condition of your ruling planet (is it exalted or in domicile? In detriment or in fall? Can it SEE your 1st house, making it capable of doing a good job of keeping an eye on things there? Is it on your chart’s “team”? Is it a benefic? A malefic? And if it is either of those, is it in its greatest power or in a weakened state?)
Heading back to my awesome FREE series “What Your Birthday Says About You”, I want you to scroll to the section in the workbook about the planets and get the general idea about your ruling planet. What’s its primary focus?
Just knowing that THIS is the color of the lenses in your sunglasses should open up some really interesting thoughts about your needs, wants, and desires.
As a Libra, my ruling planet is Venus, and that means if it’s not lining up with my values, the things I value, beauty, how I see beauty in the world, or LOVE in all forms, I’m not into it. Sure, I’ll pay that parking ticket because I have to… but as for what I DESIRE? It’s all inextricably tied to my values and my heart and soul.
Now you!
Share in the comments below where it is that your desires come from, at least in the planetary sense. We’ll of course unpack the more pragmatic part of the things you crave in this month’s Expansive Capacity Zoom. I’m always filled with glee for the way our discussion elevates this work beyond all expectations.
Sending you so much love,
Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.