
You’ll recall that I was raving at Hollywood Happy Hour about a wonderful group of actors, led by director Adam Marcus, that will be doing a showcase on Wednesday.
Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to see some of the most talented actors in Hollywood doing a professional showcase for industry guests.
If you’ve never done an industry showcase–do one!
If you’ve never seen an industry showcase–see one! Then do one!
I’m always impressed by the number of industry guests I see in attendance at these showcases. Casting directors, agents, managers, directors, producers, publicists all come to scout talent at professional actor showcases… and no one pays them a DIME to be there. This is really about the WORK and the amazing actors who get out there and DO IT.
Obviously, priority seating will go to industry professionals scouting for pilot season. Please feel free to pass this invitation along.
And, to the amazing actors who will be a part of this marvelous showcase, I wish you all the best for continued good work. Break legs!

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