It doesn’t have to be complicated. A safe place. A quiet moment. A clear intention. A ritual that you can DO. That’s it.

Tools are great. #WitchyShit is fun. Planetary remediation materia is often fancy and fabulous to invite as well. Crystals? Sure. Candles? Yes. Spell water, sigils, smoke… ancestors, angel cards, chimes, oils… herbs, leaves, salts, stones… all fine. Ribbons, keys, offerings galore. Yup. All that too.


Chart Harmony can simply be feeling a need, slowing down, and then meeting that need with a thoughtful breath.

simple altar, simple spell, keep it doable - that's chart harmony - bonnie gillespie - charlsie astrologer bonnie daughter

Try it now. A breath.


And so it is.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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