Ants vs. Fleas

Keith and I were having a hot debate. Maybe you folks out there could help us settle it.

What’s scarier: ants or fleas?

Without telling you who believes what, let’s just say that Keith and I believe the opposite about the fear-inducing qualities that these critters possess.

Fear of Ants: you could just be standing there and then suddenly, your whole foot could be covered in ants. They know how to mobilize and act as a team. They could all get together and carry you off. Amazingly well-organized and good at communicating.

Fear of Fleas: they can suddenly be in one place and then hop away into some unseen place, only to bite and suck and show up somewhere else on another hop. They can live, unchecked, feasting on their hosts and never be caught. Independent and sleuthy.

So… weigh in, will ya? I know I’m right about which is the most terror-inducing. Back me up, okay?

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  1. BrYan January 14, 2004 at 8:12 am

    Ants, definitely. Fleas may itch, but ants can kill. Once, while renovating a house, I found myself literally covered in fleas. My legs were black with them. No big whup. If they’d been ants, I may have gone into anaphylactic shock.
    Now, if there were insects that could move like fleas but were organized like ants… flants… that’d be scary.

  2. cindy k January 14, 2004 at 11:12 am

    Ants can be deterred with cinnamon, baby powder and other non-toxic substances. Fleas are much harder to control and evict! Plus their bites itch like crazy! Ants only look scarier because they parade around in large groups. Fleas are more covert, but you know when they’ve been there.I choose neither as friends but hate the flea most.

  3. Bon January 14, 2004 at 3:46 pm

    Yay! Comments! Votes!!
    And dang it, still a split decision. Ugh!
    Thanks BrYan and Cindy, for stating your opinions on the matter. I can’t reveal which side of the argument I’m on/Keith’s on until we have a clear winner here (ME).
    Tee hee.

  4. chip January 14, 2004 at 7:14 pm

    I don’t see at all how fleas are scary. I guess I have just always been around them. Ants aren’t scary either, come to think of it. But I will vote for ants being scarier.
    I now have slugs of all things crawling into my house from the backyard. That is just icky.

  5. BrYan January 15, 2004 at 1:27 am

    Can I change my vote to slugs?

  6. Bon January 15, 2004 at 6:27 am

    I think I would change my vote to slugs too. Ugh.
    Thanks, everyone!

  7. Tina January 15, 2004 at 9:07 am

    If you think that flea bites are itchy, you have never stepped on a fire ant mound. Fire ant bites are way itchier than flea bites. Being from Georgia, I have some stories.
    It’s still hard to weight in though. Fleas gross me out; However, with the products out today, they are avoidable. Ants have a will of their own. I think I’ll go with the Ants, but only the aggressive sort. Sugar ants, etc. don’t bother me.

  8. Ali January 17, 2004 at 5:55 am

    Ants. No question. Flea bites can be tended to with Benadryl cream. Fire ant bites can really only be cared for with Mexican Vanilla (no really! Try it sometime!). And they make you scratch and scratch and scratch until you open up sores that can be much worse in the long run than the initial fire ant bite. And then you end up all scarred, and someone asks, “Wow!! Where did you get those scars on your legs???” And all you can answer with is fire ant bites. And what a wussy, yet painful, thing to cause scars.
    Plus you can have expensive exterminators come out to get rid of fire ant mounds, and still have no success whatsoever!!! Damn fire ants!!!

  9. Pam December 30, 2021 at 4:54 am

    Fire Ants without a doubt , they are so painful and itchy ! Fleas are a annoying but if you never been attacked by Fire Ants I highly suggest you don’t it’s miserable especial if you get more then one which is normally the case.

  10. JJ March 9, 2023 at 6:43 am

    If you did not know, in the past, there were ants almost that could get as big as a golden retriever they would usually tear on something as biggest deer. So I will always fear ants more than fleas especially because there are twice as many ant species as fleas species that exist. And most have poisonous effects just like fire ants.


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