Are You Kidding Me?

While watching the brilliant TV that is The Soup (Dear me, does Kris need to host this show or WHAT?), I see this commercial for this mess:
It seems women who take this particular birth control pill have the blessing of no period for three months at a time. Yes, that’s right: quarterly menstrual cycles.
And in the fine print: you most likely will have the same number of total days on your period, it will just all be quarterly. Yeah–that’s right–if you would’ve had four four-day periods, that’s a whopping 16 days IN A ROW to look forward to, using this contraceptive.
I’m going to say, uh, NO. *shudder*

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  1. Ali February 9, 2005 at 7:09 pm

    I went to a new OB/GYN this past fall. I told her that I wanted to switch from my then-current Pill (Ortho Tri Cyclin-Lo) because I didn’t like how I felt while taking it. She wanted to know what it made me feel like. I said I got horrible cramps and really bad PMS, and I had never done so on other pills. Her response was to suggest I take Seasonale, because I’d only feel that way 4 times a year.
    Huh?? WTF?
    I was too stunned, I couldn’t think of a reason to say no. For nearly a month I tried to think of a reason to get around having to take these damned things. I finally realized that this drug wasn’t covered under my insurance. So I could happily request something else, and be justified in doing so.
    Best news I had had in a while. Whew….
    That drug is just downrigth scary sounding.

  2. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 11:26 am

    See I *like* having my period once a month, just because I *like* knowing that I’m not pregnant!