A quiz zoinked from the greatness that is sm00bs. You Are a Snarky Blogger! You’ve got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of. And that’s why they read your posts as often…
Posts Published by bonblogs
That Was Intense
Ooh! That little quake was actually pretty intense. 2.8 four miles outside of Santa Monica. Ack! Shook me up–seriously. I’m beginning to notice that I always mention something about the weather just before a quake…
Mr. Blue Sky
Something so wonderful about having signed off on the book, having *gulp* paid for the printing of the book, and waking up to a gorgeous, blue sky day. Fun fact: my first concert was ELO…
Proofers Speak!
Hey, now that the book is at the printer (Woo hoo!), it is now totally cool for you — my lovely wonderful amazing proofer patrol — to tell the world. 😉 I have seen a…
Bleecker vs. Bleeker
Oy! You’re kidding me! This is getting really frustrating. I am pretty sure this street is spelled Bleecker, based on my research. That said, I have been able to find a kajillion places where it’s…
Surreal Moment of the Day: II
My last surreal moment of the day was similarly odd.* Months ago, a friend of a friend sent me an email and told me he loved my name, wanted to use it in something he…
What career will suit your personality?
Nabbed from sm00bs, quiz lives at iVillage. My results: You would be very happy in a career that utilised your people skills. You want a career that allows you to stimulate your senses and your…
Matzah Rap
I got an email this week about this kid’s cartoon on JibJab.com. He’s an actor, I’m on his email list I guess, and he wanted me to know this cartoon would get its first public…
So Cool!
So, I read Dan’s blog and learn about this way cool thing: PostSecret. It’s art. It’s confession. It’s mail. I love it.
I Also Want…
Yes, I’m realizing I’m awfully want-y lately. But I’ve been reading about this film over on a Canadian actors discussion forum. I’d like to see this. But it’s Canadian. And NBC told DirecTV to take…