You Are Now Leaving Cactus Cove is now half-cast. (Not sure what that company does, but the image fit the bill for this post.) I have cast the minor roles and have scheduled callbacks for…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Gender Brain
Nabbed from Chip (whose brain is 60% female): Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you…
Note to Self:
Note to self: Thwok is not to be trusted. Came home from awesome, awesome, awesome Gimlet Night with a bag of supplies (toilet paper, tissue, etc.) and went to bed with the bag of supplies…
Surreal Moment of the Day
Today was the first day of casting at AFI. During a short break, I went to the loo. I’m in the stall, doing my thing. “Um, hi. Are you a Fellow here?” “Me? No. I’m…
Trouble: Crunchitos
Good news: these things are reeeeeeeeally yummy. Bad news: these things are reeeeeeeeally yummy. I could eat BAGS at a time. That can’t be good.
So, this is the image that comes up when you Google the phrase: “love to work hard.” (Yes, I was nervous about what might come up. *giggle*) Anyway, that’s what I do. I love to…
It’s Valentine’s Day!
So, it’s Valentine’s Day, which is pretty ho-hum. Except that this year we’re going to brave the wilds of the local trendiati and explore gluten-free vodkas at my favorite martini bar. Voda is just under…
Free Seminar for Parents of Young Actors
Hope you’ll join us. I’m very excited to be speaking with the wonderful people who head up the non-profit Foundation for young actors (and parents, of course). For more information about this event, please…
TV, TiVo, and Thwok
Generally, Inside the Actors Studio is heavy on the pretention and that’s something I don’t prefer in my Hollywood breakfast cereal. That said, Jamie Foxx keeps rocking my world, and his appearance on this show…
Cool Stuff from Across the Pond
So, I was going back through some COMMENTS links to see who has been commenting at the BonBlogs and what their sites look like and all of that and came across this guy named Cliff…