So, I haven’t set up her website yet, but tonight, Thwok got her own email address.* Why? So that she could write a proper thank you note to Biscotti for the awesome Valentine’s Day presents…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Girlie Stuff
Things I love in my kitchen: Fresh tap water, heating up organic soup, emptying the dishwasher, and these things: Clorox Wipes. I’m nesting. Oh, and could anyone who has found a good drug to help…
Enneagrams Are Fun!
Nabbed from the greatness that is the blog of “thank goodness you got a blog” Becca fame: free enneagram test Profile Summary for the Enneagram Type One: Healthy: Extremely principled, always want to be fair,…
New Casting Gig
Wow. I’ve received 297 electronic submissions already (that’s in three hours since releasing the breakdown), including a NAME for one of the roles for which we’d hoped to APPROACH a name (so much easier when…
Gratitude Lost?
Well, that’s just a lovely idea, Gil. It seems silly enough to want to present awards to winners IN THEIR SEATS. This encouragement included in the news story takes the proverbial cake! From the story…
Super Duper Happy Bonnie
Just scheduled our LAST interview for Acting Qs. We’ll do a chat with this young man: (That’d be Tom Everett Scott, folks.) Wooooooo hooooooo! It’s almost a wrap, this one. Yeeeeeeee haw! *happy dance* (Oh,…
Okay, seriously…
That was like the most boringest show of Super Bowl commercials ever. Good news: won a buck (on who would win). Bad news: lost two (on who would score first and who would win the…
Silliness Before I Get Back To Work
Nabbed from Chipperdoodle: You are KERMIT! Interesting, considering the layst time I took this test (nearly three years ago), I was Fozzie. So, is the quizaverse saying I’ve changed? Oh, and in deep conversation with…
Are You Kidding Me?
While watching the brilliant TV that is The Soup (Dear me, does Kris need to host this show or WHAT?), I see this commercial for this mess: It seems women who take this particular birth…