Saw this on the news Thursday morning and have been meaning to post about it. Really cool. From the story (linked to photo, above): The medieval old town of the Estonian capital, Tallinn, will be…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Gotta Love a Quiz
Nabbed from everyone at SpyNotebook. <a href=" Take the WHAT INTENTIONAL TORT ARE YOU test at I actually cheated. I didn’t like getting False Imprisonment. Believe me, if I’m sequestering myself, I do NOT…
Tech Crap
Is anyone else having problems getting into Gmail using Firefox today? Grr. I think my computer is rebelling. Grr.
News: No Casting Strike!
No time now, since soooo much is going on (new casting gig, big book interviews in just a couple of hours, Keith driving back to LA in a new car), but I had to share…
Great New Commercial
It’s for the new Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper (why is there no DOT after Dr in Dr Pepper anyway?). This chickie is sitting across from her beau who is talking about having won the…
Movie Quiz
So, I’m convinced I’m doing TrackBacks wrong, so I’m just going to link to the post itself over at Chip’s Spynotebook that has led to this li’l quiz. 1. The last movie you went to…
Extraordinarily Narcissistic
For the first time in what seems like YEARS, my fingernails are long and healthy. They are BEAUTIFUL. And I’m obsessed with looking at them. They’re seriously as pretty as they were back in my…
Every Frickin’ Time
I swear, it’s uncanny. EVERY frickin’ time I watch Joan of Arcadia, I cry. So, unlike the rest of my TiVo’ed life (wherein I watch three or four episodes of one show all at once,…
We Love Keith’s New Manager
As I type this, Keith is reading for a role on a kick-ass series. Think that could work? I do! I do! Go get ’em, baby!
Two Reasons To Smile
1. Best Week Ever declares that “gay has jumped the shark” and will no longer be cool on TV. I swear that show makes me laugh out loud, even when Faith isn’t doing brilliant commentary….