“Catalina” is what we named our sofa, since we used the money we were going to use on a romantic getaway to Catalina in order to buy it.
So, now, Keith gets to “take me to Catalina” anytime. 😉 Heeeee. We’re geeky, I know.
Salema still hasn’t come to check it out, Archie FINALLY decided to come sleep on it about an hour ago, and Thwok… seeing as her world is so new… well, she’s loved it all day, like I have.
It’s seriously such a big, deep, plush couch that I get lost in it. LOVE that! Keith and I cuddled and snuggled and such on it for an hour today. Awesome!
Happy Sofa Day!! ACTUAL photos to come. I have a lot (from lots of stuff) to upload, actually.
Bliss on Catalina
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Happy Catalina-sofa-days! 😀
(We just recently bought a new sofa too, so I quite know how much this enhances the snuggle-factor)!