Okay… the book is on its way to the printer this week.
Click the banner to see the book’s site.
Once I laid the sucker into PageMaker, it became 248 pages, which is now a total of 12 pages over the original estimate. Not bad, if you ask me. The release date is also off by six weeks. Had I known about Mercury going into Retrograde in late August, back when we declared the release date, I’d have said October 1st to begin with.
Kind of nice, though, since the release party for the book will coincide with our October 2nd Hollywood Happy Hour. Woo hoo!
I slept for four hours this morning. Outstanding! Phew!
I start up my job with the Fox show Project X (again) on next Monday. It’ll be nice to make some money again. It looks like we may have some investors lined up for help with printing the book, though. Pretty dang exciting to have this thing come together. With or without the money my brother owes me. It’s almost better to do it without any relatives’ (note I did not say “family”) fingerprints on it. Feels damn good.
And no, we did not win the $91M lottery. This time.
Oh! I did get a call from “Mr. Purple Mask” of Mr. Personality the other day. Seems he and the “psycho crazy NFL Mascot guy” from the show are painting the town red (the latter is here on a visit–the former and I have stayed in touch and hung out a bit since the show was cast) and want to meet up. Surreal life I’ve got going on, here. Can I just say that the lobster at The Palm is some of the best food I have EVER put in my mouth? Yes. I can say that. Thank you thank you thank you to Bob Brody for what has now become one of my favorite dinners EVER in Los Angeles. I don’t recall having such fun in public!
Okay, so go buy the book. I have life stuff to catch up on while we wait for final word from each of the peer-proofers I’ve got out there. Also, one last paragraph to add in. Once that happens, the book… she is published! For those of you who expressed regret that you weren’t able to help with this one, worry not. Casting Calendar: An Actor’s Datebook and Action Log is due out in the Spring of 2004. Sign up now to help. Hee hee. And to everyone who did help with this one, like I said… I owe you something pretty. I hope you like free copies of the book.
Cheers, everyone. I’m loving life and thrilled to share it!
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