Catching Up

Here’s some stuff that’s been on my list.
1. I needed a backpack/laptop case for the trip I recently took (that cool casting gig for E! and Wayne Newton). Keith wanted me to buy some Apple-endorsed pack, but they were all way clunky and ugly and ick. I did a search to find the LOOK of one I was aiming for, just to show Keith the style, and actually found some way cool OGIO bags at not horrible prices. Thing is, all were only available for purchase online and I was leaving in like a day… no time for that. So, Keith finds the OGIO corporate website. Utah-based company. He calls them up and says he wants to buy locally in SoCal. The guy on the other end of the phone says, “Well, I can give you the number of our SoCal sales rep and you can call him to ask where you can buy a pack nearby.” “Okay,” Keith says, and he calls the guy. The number is his cell. Hey… he’s coming to LA the next day and has a sample bag (“Hey, if you don’t mind BROWN, I have the METRO bag here handy.”) in his trunk and will bring it TO OUR HOME for $20 cash. Um… yeah. This bag retails at $99.99 and is really way cool. GO, KEITH!!! I sooo would’ve stopped at, “Oh… online only. Bummer.” Not him! He got me a $100 bag for $20… delivered! Awesome.
2. Jonathan (my associate CD for the E! show) is also known as The Hertz Guy. If you visit his website here, you’ll see the clip and realize you know him as that guy. Well, we needed a rental car for a few weeks while on the road and the production company was only going to cover a certain dollar amount. That’s b/c they were hiring Jonathan as a local hire in ATL and that should’ve meant he came with a car for half of the trip. Anyway, since that wasn’t the case, we needed a good deal. Enter Jonathan. He calls Hertz and says, “I’m that guy in the commercial.” Hm. How can this POSSIBLY work out? Well… he does “the voice” for the guy on the phone and he cuts him like the biggest, fattest, serious employee-level discount there is… and upgrades us to a mid-size from mega-economy. Rock on!
3. There is no three.
4. Joni, my cousin who works at Delta, reviews my flight plan before I make my trip to NASH and ATL and back to LA. She says someone clearly doesn’t like me, as I’ve been given seat 43E (last row, middle of the center section, lavatory-adjacent) on my four-hour flight home. Happy day… bump bump bump… I’m in 17B. Aisle. Close-up-front. And that handy-skinny-seat-partner… that was a bonus! Thanks, Joan!
5. While Jonathan and I were in Nashville, we happened upon a nightclub to scout music and found a really great band playing live. We wrote up a little note about where/when the lead singer should show up for an audition, if he were interested in the show, and we were just going to hand it off to the doorman who was so kind to let us in without the cover charge “to scout” and then the band’s manager was pointed out to us. She was clearly not interested in being interrupted. On her cell phone out on the sidewalk… and I said to Jonathan, “Let me handle it.” 😉 Walked over, made eye contact… got her interested in a conversation and told her what our agenda was. Quickly, the cell phone call was over, we were all back in the nightclub, Jonathan and I each had a copy of the band’s latest CD, and we each had a free drink in hand. Cooooooool.
6. What’s the deal with the WB and its “FRESH” shows? Why aren’t they “new episodes” on the WB? Why are they FRESH instead? Are we back in time or something. I’m so cornfused. Yes, the R was intentional.
7. Finally, and this is the good one… I’ve realized that 80% of all miscommunication is due to incorrect perception of intention. Think about it. I think you’ve wronged me. I’m upset. Turns out you wronged me only in as much as I perceived your intention to be dishonorable. If I reconsider your intention and realize you only meant something positive, even if I don’t GET your intention (I don’t buy it, I don’t believe in it, I don’t otherwise connect with you for what you’ve done), I at least have not miscommunicated with you. I GET you. I honor your intention. And that means, even if I don’t agree with your intention, I at least GET you and we’ve communicated effectively. 80% of miscommunication comes from the lack of willingness to examine the true intention.
I think.
Hee hee.

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