So, I went to bed late, slept ’til I woke up naturally, did a word puzzle in my jammies, wandered into the living room and found this on AMC: I challenge any one of you…
Browsing Category Geeky Stuff
It’s Just Damn Funny to Read (RIF)
Reading *is* fundamental! Really! I come home from a super amazing dinner party with old friends and new (Lily, you have the BEST friends EVER and you *must* hurry back to LA so I can…
Real World Austin
Holy crap, that’s a good show. So, I got home from the SAG LifeRaft talk (which was effin’ rockstar) and from taking Keith and Quinn to the airport (Quinn was VERY excited about taking the…
How Cute Are We!
First feedback from an actor interviewed in Acting Qs… none other than the amazing Stephon Fuller: Click for big. What say he? I am really enjoying the book. While I was on set Saturday, I…
How Excited Am I?
Super-duper excited. Look at the present GSN is getting me for my birthday! From the press release: [GSN] has picked up repeats of all seven editions of the show that have aired on CBS, plus…
T-minus 30 Days
I’d better get used to the idea. Yup. Only 30 days left of 34. :\ Better get going on those New Year’s Resolutions (or, rather, what it is I want to take into my new…
Theory of Car Drama and Showbiz
Okay, so I’ve always had this theory (and it seems to pan out, according to most actors I’ve talked to) that if you get a parking ticket while you’re at an audition, you will book…