Rufies. From WiKi: Flunitrazepam use causes several adverse effects in the user, including drowsiness, dizziness, loss of motor control, lack of coordination, slurred speech, confusion, and gastrointestinal disturbances, lasting 12 or more hours. Flunitrazepam impairs…
Browsing Category The Hubs
Ooh, that was a good one!
Nothin’ like a nice 3.0 rollin’ quake right here in Santa Monica to congratulate Keith on four years in SoCal (tomorrow)! Click to enlarge. And because our server lives in Santa Monica, that would make…
Two Things
1. Email woes are over. Woo damn hoo! (PS–They’re over b/c Keith talked the stupid tech guys THROUGH their system to find the problem. Sheesh!) 2. Happy birthday, Def Jam Becca MC! You rock, celebrity…
Happy Nonaversary!
Tomorrow is our Nonaversary. Yes, we celebrate the day we didn’t get married, 12 October 2002. It’s always so much fun, since we invented the holiday. First Nonaversary: stay in bed all day and say,…
Don’t Judge Me!
Is it wrong? Is it wrong that I open all of the semi-easily-opened pistachios and leave the too-tightly-encased ones for Keith? I mean, I am wrist-down dainty.
Oh, All Right!
We’re telling people. Click images for larger views. Thanks to our most wonderful hush-hush friends for helping us keep this private for as long as we have. And congrats to those who figured it out…
Power Is Sexy
This is true. I find power so effin’ sexy. Many women do. *melt* There is something so gorgeous about the pompous, arrogant, articulate, brilliant posts Keith is making over at the SAG Actor board lately…
Long-Awaited Photos
Finally! Here are some photos from Quinn’s visit. Click on any to enlarge by quite a bit. Keith and Quinn on the lifeguard stand. A kiss from Quinn on the beach. Family on the beach….